Holy Cow, Mueller Punched Barr

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

i just got home and the news is saying that Mueller wrote a letter critical of Bill Barr’s summary.   And, by gawd, he sent it to Barr.  And Barr sat before congress and swore under oath that he had not heard from Mueller.

Holy damn cow.  How the fresh daily prepared prepackaged oatmeal did Barr think he was going to get away with this?

Hey, a memory from Deb T.



Meet you here for more congressional testimony tomorrow morning.


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0 Comments to “Holy Cow, Mueller Punched Barr”

  1. Subpoena… no show… contempt of congress… resignation…
    Repeat as needed.

    Mueller is happy to testify for Congress — but the Trump administration is running interference: Democrats

    Mueller continues to technically occupy the role of the special counsel, which means he still works for Barr.

    “But the DOJ has, according to multiple sources, not agreed to a date, citing Mueller’s continued status as a department employee—since the Special Counsel serves under the attorney general,” the Daily Beast wrote.

    Once Mueller is no longer special counsel, however, the department will have much less power to prevent him from testifying.

    Its raining liars in DC!
    Cannot tell a truth… Cannot Barr the truth…


  2. Trump must be so proud of his boy.

  3. This is why barr is in the ag position.
    A man who has made a career of keeping criminal thuglican presidents out of jail.
    I wish to reveiw all those “liberal” “moderate” pundits and democrats who welcomed barr to this office as a “respected” official who was dedicated to upholding the “law”.
    Let the public mea culpa’s begin.

  4. Lunargent says:

    Who is our fetching model?
    He stand like his right leg is shorter than his left.

  5. This is a that was then this is now kind of thing. It used to be that breaking the law meant jail time even for politicians.

    But these are the days of Republican ‘governance’. It’s now OK to break the law if you are a Republican.

  6. The mug shots are of former Nixon AG John Mitchell, who served 19 months in federal prison for perjury in the Watergate affair.

  7. Could it be Mitchell?

  8. Rich in Fla says:

    Lunargent- I believe it’s Nixon’s AG John Mitchell, posing for booking (arrest) or intake (jail – prison?) photos. We can only hope…………….

  9. twocrows says:

    Watching the hearing and Miss Lindsey is going on and on about H. Clinton’s emails and smearing the FBI — just like Trump has done for months.
    Wait, what? Isn’t it supposed to be about Trump and the fact that Barr lied to us and to Congress for him?
    Coulda sworn.

  10. Lunargent says:

    Okay, I recognize him now, though the image is kind of blurry.
    I don’t remember full-length mug shots being a thing, though I wasn’t paying much attention back then.

  11. i am going to wait for the movie, john goodman will be AG barr…

  12. WhitesCreek says:

    The question they didn’t ask: So, Attorney General Barr, Why did you not recuse yourself from this investigation of Russian involvement in a USA election investigation, even though you yourself represented at least two of the Russian organizations that are being investigated?

    I don’t normally plug websites but there’s more here:

