Holy Cow – It’s Raining Republicans

October 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeff Flake bites the dust.

In a major surprise, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced on Tuesday that he would not seek re-election next year. In explaining his retirement, Flake professed his love for the Senate but, in a speech on the chamber’s floor, decried the “coarseness” of politics in the era of Donald Trump and, without calling out Trump by name, criticized his “[r]eckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior.”

In all honesty, Flake most likely would not have survived the GOP primary.  His major primary opponent would have been a former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who holds town halls on chemtrails.  Woo wee woo, tin foil hat time.

Since Trump only won Arizona 45 – 48, there is a chance for a Democrat to take the seat.

Keep hacking them off, Trump.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Holy Cow – It’s Raining Republicans”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    *Insert comment about rats and sinking ships here*

    I wish the USS Trump would sink a little faster. Please, Mr Mueller, bore another couple of holes in that hull!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Next up Dean Heller? I remember when Harry Reid’s seat was “up for grabs,” until the snacilbupeR kindly nominated Sharron Angle. You cannot imagine the speed with which all those “Anyone but Harry” bumper stickers disappeared.

    Let’s hope even the most conservative Arizonan is not up to the embarrassment of a Kelli Ward.

    BTW Was I imagining things or was Mitch McTurdle actually smiling, after the protester threw Russian flags at Donnie and called him a traitor?

  3. So he’s quitting but until he votes against Trump when it counts he is just blowing smoke.

  4. Beststash says:

    I called Cruz and Cornyn’s office and told them that until they speak out against the insanity of Trump, like Flake, they are complicit in the destruction of our Democracy. Cornyn and Cruz are not fit to govern in the Great State of Texas.

  5. This guy was almost worth it. He recently wrote a book that really rubbed tRump’s nose in it on the issue of immigration, nativism and racism. Flake comes from a ranching family and blatantly states that his family and the family ranch would not be in existence today if it weren’t for Hispanic workers that tRump wants to get rid of.

  6. Does Ryan Clayton need bail money for throwing those flags?

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    I’m sorry to see these finks scuttling away; they’re all afraid of that creep Bannon.

    He should be keel-hauled. At least he’ll get clean.

  8. Skeptic remember our motto: Clean mind…Clean Body…Take your pick!
