Holeeeeeee Crap

June 28, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He tried to strangle his Secret Service agent.

I am sitting here with my mouth hanging open.


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0 Comments to “Holeeeeeee Crap”

  1. Old Fart says:

    How about Gen. Flynn when asked if he believes in the peaceful transfer of power:


  2. JDS2017 says:

    I’m running out of popcorn!!!

  3. G Foresight says:

    His supporters would likely cheer that behavior as just a tactic he used to stay in power. Power is all that matters.

    (Note to Merrick Garland: Actions without consequence leads to future similar behavior.)

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I repeat what I wrote a few minutes ago under yesterday’s “Best Guess” article. All I can say is wow. That there was a maniac in the White House until 1/20/21 is even more clear. He not only condoned violence but he was violent.
    As was said already above, his supporters will cheer these revelations.
    Sad day if something isn’t done by the DOJ.

  5. Nick Carraway says:

    Oh come on, those tiny fingers couldn’t strangle a garden snake. My favorite part of this will be how it will be dismissed because it didn’t work. He didn’t choke the guy so it’s okay. Attempted crimes aren’t crimes. They are only crimes if you succeed.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Wanting to let armed people into the space reserved for spectators for his rally, in order to increase the crowd size for the cameras.

    Saying that they weren’t there to hurt him.

    Demanding to go to the Capitol with the armed rioters, and trying to grab the steering wheel when his Secret Service officers insisted on going back to the White House.

    Saing that Mike Pence deserved that “Hang Mike Pence” chant, because he refused to stop the counting of Electoral College votes.

    Pitching his lunch against the wall and breaking White House china–MORE THAN ONCE–when someone, i.e., Bill Barr, told him something he didn’t want to hear.

    Holeeeeee Crap, indeed.

  7. Sam in Mellen says:

    How fitting that Meadows often touts his “christian” beliefs and was the head of the “Freedom” Caucus.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Ms. Cassidy Hutchison’s [CH] testimony was just effing astounding. The serious stuff is beyond damning for all involved, especially Mr. Major Loser MOGUL.
    The image of CH coming into a WH room when the entourage returned from the ‘rally’ [in the ‘Beast’, which is what my offshore boat is named], and her being amazed by the stricken look on the SS chief [who is likely A.Very.Tough.Hombre], who obviously had just been reamed out by the Rufous Ratbastard, was chilling.

    But on the ‘lighter side’, CH describing a 75 year old toddler, Tantrums Trump, throwing his food and tableware around when he was ‘upset’ about whatever; and people having to clean freaking ketchup off the effing walls and broken crockery off the floors made me laugh so hard I hurt my throat [laughing to keep from crying for our nation…].

    What’s damned scary is how many F’ing people, national ‘leaders’, who are aware of this continual toddler level behavior, many who probably witnessed it, and still tolerated and went along with this shit.
    Many, even today, still cult members and lying their asses off, or pleading the Fifth Amendment if nailed down.

    JDS2017 @2,
    Running out of popcorn, hell I’m going to re-order a case of scotch whisky.

  9. BarbinDC says:

    The Valet wiping up the ketchup is what made this art.

  10. dobleremolque says:

    Who wants to bet there’s a lot of ketchup on the walls at Mar-a-Lago right now?

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    Nick #5 – those tiny fingers might not be able to strangle but what if a 300+ pounder jumped on you!

    Barb #9 – you’re right. How appropriate that he was probably having a Big Mac before his hissy fit!

    Anyone that thinks the Old Pretender is anything but one more sleazy mob boss is lying to themselves!

  12. And still his base is convinced that Jesus personally chose this guy.

  13. slipstream says:

    Darest thou question the heaven-bestowed right of the nobility to beat their servants?

  14. I thought the preceding sessions were dynamite but this one tops them all!. Trump looks like he will be done in by a “kid”, the youngest person in the Whit4e House staff. She’s a great person. Very brave! I hope protection has been provided for her. Trump’s hit men out in the brush and the boonies are very likely to go after her. I recommend that she move to Canada, particularly to Yellow Knife. It is the home of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As for Trump, the Justice De4partment now cannot find any way to wiggle out of indicting and charging an ex President. As for incarceration, I think Gitmo is best. If he were to be placed any where in the U.S. such as at Leavenworth, some idiots would try to break him out. Besides, incarceration on U.S. soil would mean he could try to form his own gang inside. Frankly, if he tried, he would run up against the already well established “boss” and his own gang.

  15. Sandridge says:

    All Hail His Majesty King Ketchup Flinger I.

    [ this kind of hail:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Record_hailstone_Vivian,_SD.jpg ] ;]

    Can anyone imagine what this Rufous Ratbastard was like as a freaking snotnosed kid in his gilded highchair?

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As I heard on commentary about today and the hearings so far, to not finally indict the former president insures something like Jan 6 will happen again.
    That action would likely incite his rabid magats, but democracy is being held hostage now. There really is no choice.
    And include all those complicit in the conspiracy of planning and carrying out that day. They asked for pardons and now we know why. Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows and others including congresscritters like Jim Jordon, and they everyone that attended trump’s war room meetings before the insurrection- need to face the music. Makes Watergate seem like a petty crime in comparison.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Friday ‘Toons are going to be a hoot!

    Hell, I’ll wager that Ms. JJ will post half a dozen excellent ones tomorrow… this is a goldmine for satirists.
    I might have to watch one of those late night shows, can somebody recommend one [OTA only, no cable]

  18. The game to watch: will Mark Meadows give up Trump to save his own skin? I’m betting that Meadows is on Fox right now claiming he’s been wronged by someone who knew him well enough to call him by his first name. All he’s got to do to clear himself, obviously, is agree to testify, a possibility clearly on the minds of Cheney, et al.

  19. Someone needs to give Orange Blivet a large dose of Thorazine.

  20. FrauFree says:

    I find it cool that after trump’s justices Roe v. Wade decision it’s actually a young woman who (hopefully) has been bringing him down. It just feels so fair. 

  21. The SS is claiming Trump didn’t do anything in the limo
    Yeah right. Letting the pudgy, crazy, orange guy get a jump on them. Who wants to admit that?

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And as far as I know, she’s not even writing a book! She has no reason to lie but I think it might be some sort of code of silence that the SS won’t squeal on a CIC (even if he’s an obvious traitor).

  23. Sandridge says:

    Mike @18, “give Orange Blivet a large dose of Thorazine”

    Rectally… [not difficult since he’s ALL asshole].

  24. Katherine says:

    I want him to pay for all the broken dishes and glassware.

  25. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The more I think about the secret service agents that were in the limo in question testifying that trumpf didn’t do what Cassidy Hutchinson testified about today, I think they are covering their asses. For them to relay what happened to anyone is probably a breach of their positions. So they’re going to say trumpf didn’t do it, but will they then lie and say they didn’t tell her the story? I’m guessing they’ll throw her under the bus to cover their asses. Hope someone else heard the story and has the guts to come forward.

  26. I agree on SS probably adhering to a code of silence.

    Certainly at time of JFK they absolutely were never the leaks on president’s behavior.

    I imagine that mostly continues today. Though plenty of old standards of behaviors have been replaced with airborne, fan-flung sewage.

    It infuriates me to see veterans, especially special ops types, who seem completely dismissive of the President, constitution, and a government intended for all. Deep sigh.

  27. And to think, that he was intrusted with the nuclear suitcase…holey sh!t.

  28. Papa @27, Remember the incident when Kamerade Donnei became fixated on nuking the livin’ shit outta some perceived adversary and those around him had to spend an hour or two multiple times explaining why that just wasn’t gonna work?
    And then Ratbastard had the bright idea of nuking hurricanes before they hit the US. He was soooo sure that he’d been seen as a Genius Hero for saving us. He kept bringing that up too [they had to hide the colored Sharpies though].

    Y’all sleep well, don’t think about King Ketchup winning in 2024, couldn’t ever happen….

    [says I as one little 40% thing is cooking up in the Gulf and heading this way…]

    9 terrifying things Donald Trump has publicly said about nuclear weapons:

    Axios: Trump floated the idea of using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes headed for US:

  29. There is a complaint that all the witnrsddrd do far before thr committee are not Rrepuglicans! Gag me with a blender! What universe is this “complainer” living in?

    As more and more of this info comes out, the more damaged Trump becomes and the less likely he will be the R presidential candidate th next time around. For that matter, the party may be totally split and Trump might try to gin up his own party. That is, if he isn’t indicted, prosecut4ed and in jail!

  30. I am sick and tired of the HAND WRINGING by Democrats- I am talking to you Pelosi, Schumer, Clyburn, Durbin, Hoyer, etc.

    HOW ABOUT SOME CLENCHED FISTS FOR A CHANGE? Don’t worry about offending someone. The Republicans enjoy offending people especially you all.

  31. JDS2017 says:

    If you need another laugh this morning, check out Stephen Colbert last night singing the National Anthem and liberally inserting the word “fifth” for most of the lyrics. In honor of General Flynn, of course. Hilarious!

  32. Mounting evidence very much brings into question his status of being a very stable genius. While everyone else is playing chess, he is playing with his food. Let’s sign up for four more years of this poorly written and atrociously acted reality show.

  33. What I haven’t figured out is how someone as obviously bright as she is could have been a Trumper in the first place.

  34. Nick Carraway says:

    In the ultimate Trump game of two dimensional checkers, they think they have won and said “king me” because the secret service will testify that they did not tell her that he grabbed for the wheel or tried to choke them. We know they did, but notice what they also said. He was upset they weren’t going to the capital. This was a stroke of brilliance on the committee’s part. Orange Mogul’s crew can either stew and let this testimony stand or send “rebuttal” witnesses that will essentially confirm all of the relevant testimony and somewhat push back against the more salacious details. In that case, they and right wing echo chambers will bloviate about how they proved the left wrong all while failing to realize they successfully collaborated all of the important legal details that came out.

  35. Someone remind me what trump thinks of people who plead the Fifth?

  36. sooze98148 says:

    Politics aside, can you imagine what Trump’s various wives and children have experienced over the years?

    And still, they support him.

  37. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Trump wanted the metal detectors taken down so his Proud Goys and Oaf Keepers could keep their guns as they swelled his crowd and marched to the Capitol (“they won’t hurt me”). But somewhere between the Ellipse and the Capitol they were all replaced by Antifas who rioted to make him look bad. I wish there was video of that, it must have been amazing.

    Or are they still calling them tourists?

  38. Skepticat says:

    I wish only that he had been the chokee rather than the attempted choker. And I note that Ms. Hutchinson testified only that she was told about the incident; she didn’t say she saw it.

  39. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And to add to Skeptical’s comment, the head of Trump’s SS detail (believe he was the chokee) was in the room when another witness shared what happened with her and did not say anything to dispute the description of the incident in the limo. Sounds pretty credible to me.
