History Always Repeats Itself, But Sometime It Doesn’t.

July 26, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



And …

On this day in 1948, President Truman ended segregation in the Armed Forces. Just thought I’d mention that.



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0 Comments to “History Always Repeats Itself, But Sometime It Doesn’t.”

  1. We’re on the way to answering the question, “How long can a former superpower maintain itself while being run by the whims of an idiot?”

    But he is following in the GOP mode of making pronouncements based on ideology while completely disregarding their effect on actual people.

  2. An accumulated blob of Trans-Fat will however, continue to sit in the Oval Office, unable to focus on decisive and overwhelming, or even underwhelming policy decisions.

  3. Tilphousia says:

    Once again, the coward in chief reveals his enormous stupidity, bigotry, and stupidity. Yes I said that twice. Traitor trump and his sycophantic GOP are determined to regress the US. That cannot be allowed. Especially now, traitor trumps policies are foolish. He thinks he’s playing with toys not real men and women. He refuses to ask questions, stupidity again, or take advise from experts. Trumps knowledge of military and foreign affairs is nil, negative. He’s a bully. But bullying on the world stage fails. The issues he obsesses about don’t matter. Transgender is one of those. I doubt he’d know a transgender individual if he met one. People today must be judged on ability, not how they came by a penis or vagina. But as the coward in chief has only the ability to lie, how would he recognize needed abilities in anyone? But then traitor trumps lies are yuge!

  4. So, it’s early morning and the day doesn’t look good. Too much bad news. SAD! What to do! What to do! Oh, I’ll just tell the world in a tweet that we won’t accept transgender folks into the military. That ought to keep the media busy for awhile. Jared and Junior will thank me.
    Tomorrow? I’ll think of something else outrageous to tweet. And the beauty of it all is that I don’t even have to do what I tweet. What’s the opposite of SAD?

  5. Sandridge says:

    SOBOTUS’s use of the words “my Generals” is what should have y’all in an uproar…

  6. “My” generals?

  7. I am with Alan and Sandridge…”my”????

  8. van heldorf says:

    I want to mention a tangential subject on trump here because of the newness timewise of this post.
    From Huffpost today, “trump rips sessions for 3d day in a row”.
    I’m on record thinking sessions is a racist degenerate. But, in spite of his up-first to pull for trump enthusiastically, why is trump turning on him? Bottom line, IMO, because sessions got caught with his mammary appendages in the well-known ringer over russia, he had to recuse himself from being able to help trump with his russia problems. Again, IMO, if trump’s tax forms are exposed, it will show trump not as wealthy because russia owns him. And the putin plays by a different set of collection rules.

  9. I’m just chomping on popcorn as fast as I can. The Orange One just keeps on pissing off everybody in his Admin–without an apparent care in the world.

    He obviously knows nothing about how the DOJ works and why Sessions was required to recuse himself. The CW is that he is using the public humiliation of Sessions to get rid of him and hire someone who will fire Mueller. He doesn’t seem to understand just how angry he is making the Rethugs in the Senate over the treatment of one of their own. Nor, does he realize that anybody who he thinks he’s going to replace Session will have to be confirmed by the Senate.

    Anyone taking bets on whether the Senate will get that person to swear NOT to fire Mueller?

    Oh, and you can’t make policy on Twitter. There are currently 10,000+ transgendered people in the military. What’s supposed to happen to them?

  10. TrulyTexan says:

    The only reason they don’t want transgender folks in the military is that it confuses the CO’s and other guys when they try to molest them. “Hey baby, want to earn a promotion? Just let me grab your…what the heck is that?”

  11. maryelle says:

    This another attempt to erase the good that President Obama did. Transgender individuals were supposed to begin army service July 1, but it was postponed. Drumpf wants to get rid of that, it’s not the generals. He’s a real SOB.

  12. Lunargent says:

    Can Trump even do this? I’m assuming he can, by Executive Order. But not by Consecutive Tweets.

    Wonder if he’ll get around to issuing the order. Prob’ly have his good and great friend, Jerry Falwell Jr., there for the signing ceremony. Along with a few other dregs – probably Bannon’s alt-right skid marks.

    What next? Is he going to re-ban gays from the military, too?

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    I would be interested in know who these generals and military experts are: Gen. Tso, Gen Mayhem, Colonel Sanders?

  14. Oh, to be a black transgender Muslim in our post-racial, all men are created equal, freedom of religion America today.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    More covfefe from Dolt45. Not much more we can say about Donnie that he hasn’t revealed about his bullying self by attacking our transgender population for no good reason. Had Donnie had the courage to serve, he probably would have been the biggest tranny chaser ashore at every port.

  16. Several deferrals from the military based on heel spurs which did not prevent him from playing as much tennis as he liked, and here he goes playing games with the military. The “my generals” must be totally pissed about this. I would love to hear what Mad Dog had to say on the subject. Kinda wonder if when the Barking Yam was a kid if he wished for a full set of toy soldiers so he could play with them, but he never got them which then led to his strange perspective of the military.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM,
    Here you go, the biggest focking Chickenhawk of them all.
    “This is going viral on twitter and it is only going to get uglier for this chickenhawk.
    Two birthmarks on heels. Really? There had to be something else wrong with him and I vote mentally. If he was unfit to serve then he is unfit to be the commander in chief !
    If you served in Vietnam, and voted for this chickenhawk, you are in dire need of something to straighten out your thinking and for every draftee who did not have a millionaire Daddy and Had to serve or go to jail…This guy should be on your chickenshit list.”


    List of SOBOTUS’s SSS deferments (other links above):

    Gawdamn, I hate this muthafockin’ sonnuvabitch with the whitehot heat of a thousand suns.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, good articles and good news, thank you. Birth marks on his heels? So, Donnie came of the chute butt backwards, feet first. And, probably confirmation that the devil does exist; he left two marks on Donnie.

    I have no use for Donnie. Never had much use for any of the snacilbupeR in Congress. But those overpaid, three day a year barely working morons are clinging on my last nerve like wolverines each and every day they permit the national disgrace to remain in the Offal orifice.

    2018! Let’s show them what “draining the swamp” is supposed to look like.

  19. The US military spends $84 million a year on erectile dysfunction drugs– ten times more than it spends on transgender health issues.


    I’m also reminded of a story I read about General Eisenhower getting a message that any homosexuals in the military were supposed to be discharged. One of the WACs in his office said that that would include her. “And me.” “And me.” “And me….” “Oh, for the love of– just forget it.”

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, when I checked into a new unit as ops officer, the resident busybody aka Dudley Dufus DohWrong felt ‘obligated’ to tell me one of the guys was gay. Meh. So what and why would I care. But what Dufus revealed was that he was the first person in the unit to head my list of persons to be avoided. Had I been the philandering sort (not) or if Dufus had ever had a date (unlikely), a list of who had he dated (likely to be STD bearing) would have been more useful.

    Gay, transgender, lesbian or whoever in the military? Not an issue. The only issue about anyone should be are they competent in their job performance.

  21. I am sure the generals love being called possessions of a guy too chicken to even serve.

  22. Truck Fump and all snacilbupeR. End of story.

  23. Ellen Childress says:

    The tweets appear to be floating about in ether with no foundation upon which to settle.
    There are thousands of transgender people honorably serving in our military all over the world. There is no mention anywhere of how this affects them. And the amount of money spent on medical treatment for trans people is estimated at around $3 million as opposed to some $84 million spent on Viagra and Cialis. Go figure. The generals are perplexed having had no warning and not having been consulted. And this shocker was laid on them after they had already been stricken with a rumor of a preemptive strike at N. Korea. Trump really knows how to lay down a smokescreen. God only knows what Mueller’s investigation might reveal because Trump is obviously terrified and in his demented way is trying to cover up his trail long enough to escape.I thought everybody in this country had read about Trump enough to know that he has been tied to organized crime here and abroad for years, that he is a master con artist, that he has no morals, and is more cunning than he is intelligent.
    We have learned one important thing from Trump. We know now that our Constitution is as full of holes as a sieve and people like Trump can slip through loopholes big enough to accommodate a Mack truck. I see no evidence of anyone even attempting to stop him.

  24. OK. Here’s the story. Lets just hope this is not a prelude to thinning the ranks based on gender such as women. This is something that should be totally observable about this guy. He uses one thing as a springboard for another.

  25. Ellen #23:

    It appears it was the first part of the tweet-thread that had the Pentagon thinking we might be preparing to launch on North Korea.

    Imagine the WTF quotient when they got part 2. Then think about how SecDef Mattis (who was on vacation when this turd hit the air mover) lobbied against a ban on funding of healthcare for transgendered troops and got 24 Republican congresswarts to agree with him, despite competition from Jesus H. Pence. I can’t imagine he’s apt to roll over on this one, either, particularly since both Trump AND the do-nothing congress have tried to usurp his control of Pentagon policy now.
