His Level of Interest Ain’t Exactly Normal

December 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has done jumped the shark over his interest in my body’s best parts.

So the Texas Lege starts its once every two years meeting in January and Rick has started making his list and checking it twice over what he considers emergency legislation.

In foreign states emergency legislation is generally reserved for … well, emergencies.  You know, like a tornado hit a town and they need emergency funds to dig out the tourist attractions.  Or they’re going to war against Arizona because Arizona is just asking for it.

Not so in Texas.  In Texas, emergency legislation is whatever Rick Perry thinks will get him elected President once the public forgets he can’t count to three.

And you know, of course, that has to do with the famed uterus.  It’s called the Fetal Pain bill.

“Fetal pain” is the newest frontier in the anti-abortion movement; similar bills have already been passed in Nebraska, Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Arizona and Louisiana. That’s despite the fact that there’s no conclusive evidence to suggest that fetuses actually feel pain . To make its case, Americans United for Life usually cites this study from 1987 while ignoring several more recent, less sketchy studies that debunk it. (You can find a few of those studies herehere and here.) The science suggests that fetuses feel pain at 29 to 35 weeks at the absolute earliest.

But, this is not about science.  This is about the Presidency of the United Damn States of America.  You know, because living in a bubble of self-loathing and irresponsible women worked so well for Mitt Romney.  Rick Perry thinks the only reason Mitt lost is that he didn’t have great hair or a haughty-as-all-get-out wife.  Okay, maybe not the wife thing but surely the hair thing.

So, off we go to the Presidential races again.

A pretty clever and enterprising person has come up with something you need to put on your Christmas list.  I’m wearing mine to the State Lege and sitting in the balcony every chance I get.

You can even get it in different colors but I’d stick with white because that’s the only color that Rick is comfortable with.

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