Hint #1: He Wants To Take A “Friend” On The Honeymoon

February 03, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Here's the Deal

Juanita feels compelled to comment on Jenny Sanford, Gov. Mark’s Sanford soon to be the Ex-Mrs. Wonderful, and her interview with Barbara Walters.

South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford recalls how she made the “leap of faith” to marry husband Gov. Mark Sanford even though the groom refused to promise to be faithful, insisting that the clause be removed from their wedding vows.

“Honey, if a man wants to write his own marriage vows, that’s fine,” she postulates.  “However, if those vows include you being in charge of taking out the garbage, Washing the truck, and doing all the cooking,” you might want to stop meeting men under the glow of neon lights.”

She’s just saying.

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