Hillary Cleared For Like The Tenth Time

January 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Washington Post.

A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

Now, just to make this very clear – this was a Trump Justice Department investigation.

But the fat lady ain’t even clearing her throat.

There is another investigation going on over “the origins of the FBI’s 2016 probe into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia,” but just Hillary’s role in it.  You know, how Hillary enticed Trump into kissing Putin’s hiney and letting Russia steal the election for him. It’s all Hillary’s fault. This one is being done under a prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Barr, which means some other guy with no ethics or a firm grasp of the Constitution.

And when this investigation finds nothing, there’s always Hillary’s obvious complicity in the Kennedy assassination.


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0 Comments to “Hillary Cleared For Like The Tenth Time”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    Sigh. Yet another waste of taxpayer money in an attempt to soothe Trump’s wounded ego that Hillary Clinton would have won the 2016 election, despite Russian meddling at Trump’s request, if not for the Electoral College. No matter how many times his cronies investigate, they can’t make Trump’s lies be truthful. There is no “there” there.

  2. Every damned thing has sputtered out. It’s a never-ending story. It’s the cow that the Goopers try to keep milking even though it was barren and never gave milk.

    But the mouthbreathers don’t want to believe it, and if you don’t want to believe it, you won’t, no matter how strong the evidence to the contrary is. They’re all collectively suffering from delusions — and nothing is going to snap them out of it, apparently. Sad.

  3. The clowns the continually do this stuff have nothing else to do and can’t think of anything else to do. And they exist in the millions . . .

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    What the ***king morons need is a huge set of seizure inducing flashing lights and sirens to scream PROJECTION at them, or electroconvulsive therapy, until they can focus on the criminal in the White House. IQ4.5 is pillaging the country in plain sight, while they continue to sputter butteremails and benwhoishe. Stuck on st00pid is taking steroids.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    Jane & PKM #4 – I’ve always imagined an iPhone on Trumps wrist and every time he lies, he gets a shock, nothing to kill him outright, but just burn for a while. I also imagine that, dumb as he is, it takes him a while to figure out cause and effect!

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada, that explains Donnie. He was never trained as a toddler. Things like “the look,” clearing the throat, etc. that usually bring most toddlers to a halt, Donnie never learned.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    I hear Hillary supplied the snake in the Garden of Eden with the apple. Plus, Julius Caesar was stabbed by a bunch of Senators. Wasn’t Hillary a Senator at some point?

  8. First of all: I’m pleased Ms. Jean is back.

    Second: It’s almost impossible to prove a negative for these folks. It’ll just be another collusion with the Deep State. And barring another Linda Tripp, that’s the best we can expect.

    Meanwhile, Dotard doing wrong? They see nothing…

  9. slipstream says:

    Next up: investigation into whether Hillary leaked Custer’s plans to the Lakota before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

  10. What a surprise.
    Well, it is a relief that they didn’t just cook up some evidence when they couldn’t find any.
    Don’t know whether anybody needs a new ringtone – what about this one for EJ? https://twitter.com/DeeTwoCents/status/1215315676166086656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1215315676166086656&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.balloon-juice.com%2F
    Good to see posts from Herownself again!

  11. Notice that no reports of people refusing to testify, interview because of NDA’s. God knows if that had happened it would have been headline news of cover-up.

    This is an issue that should be addressed by new congress limiting NDA’s to conspiciously obvious trade, manufactoring or marketing secrets.
    Make NDA’s illegal for use to hide crimes, misbehavior or just embaressment. For trade secrets only.
    Same with mandatory arbitration. Only applicable between like sized entities. i.e. Intel v. Apple, Ford v. microsoft etc.
    Ban use in consumer or employment contracts/agreements.
    Small wedge issue that may be useful in suburbs where they are used to nueter complaints or against employees challengeing corporations.

  12. Grandma Ada:
    It might not be your taste in music, but at least once check out a song by the White Stripes, Effect and Cause.

  13. Can taxpayers file a class action lawsuit over the waste of their taxes for these pointless investigations? What if the proceeds went to worthy organizations as designated by the persons or orgs being improperly slammed. Imagine if the beneficiary was the Clinton Foundation. Heads would explode. I’d watch.

  14. ben gazi! ben gazi!!!!!

  15. fenway fran says:

    I celebrated with a donation to the Clinton Foundation. They do great work.

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    LizzieMom #2 – the “Cow” the republicans insist on milking is in reality a huuuuge bull.

  17. Captain Dan says:

    If the Senate does not convict and remove, there should be serious repercussions!

  18. When will there be action to mollify intellectuals instead of catering to stupid ignorant conservatives?

  19. Chloe Bear says:

    I remain infuriated at the NY Times, which I usually love and admire, about the extent to which they have given front page coverage to the R outlandish accusations on all this, but back inside story coverage to the finding of zero to charge her with.

    I wonder which Editorial Board dynamic is responsible for this. This problem continues with last week’s tiny coverage of the zero finding from DOJ under a small banner title that included the phrase “quiet end” . Really ???

    After Trump and Flynn and Don Jr. led chants of “lock her up” for months and they are now all under investigation and/or impeachment?

    I suppose I should just be grateful Barr allowed the zero finding to be announced. Yeeish.
