Hi, Louie
Y’all, I think congress is making fun of Louie.
Louie loves, loves, loves his teevee time. After the congress is finished with business on any given day, members are allowed to monopolize CSPAN and give lengthy speeches on any subject they please. Louie does it every damn day. The chamber is empty except for the cleaning crew but there’s Ole Louie, preaching to ghosts in the room.
Now his folks back home have no idea that Louie is speaking to an empty room and nobody in congress gives a big bear’s butt what he says, but the Nightly Louie Show plays big in his home district, where they think Louie is practically running congress and shaming them all with his Jesus talk and crazy ass jibber.
So damn ole Nancy Pelosi and her friends just ruined all the fun.
House Democrats have moved to limit the number of times an individual member can hold court on the House floor after the day’s votes: “The Chair will not recognize a Member for more than one special-order speech per week, nor may a Member sign up for a second special-order speech in the same week.”
So now The Louie Show is only weekly. So sad, too bad.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.