Hey, You Have To Give Them Credit For Not Stoning Her

April 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another Christian school in Texas has fired a teacher for getting pregnant, choosing to stay pregnant and wanting to marry her fiance.

If she would have had an abortion, everything would have been okay and the Super DeLux Brand Christians would have let her keep her job.

Now she’s unemployed, dropped from her health insurance, and worried about what she’s going to do.

She offered to go ahead and marry her fiance right now, but —-

Heritage Christian Academy headmaster Dr. Ron Taylor insisted to ABC News that he “had the feeling” the kids already knew she was pregnant so her marriage “wouldn’t have changed anything.”

“It doesn’t change that her behavior was out of wedlock,” Taylor said. “It’s not that she’s pregnant. The issue here is being an unmarried mother. … Everything that we stand for says that we want our teachers, who we consider to be in the ministry, to model what a Christian man or woman should be.”

Well, hell, get out the Magic Marker and put a big red A on her chest.

Thank you, Dr. Taylor, for explaining that a “model Christian man or woman” should be judgmental, mean, encourage abortion if a woman wants to continue to eat and pay rent, and act like  a big ole cootie infested hate machine.

You can see pictures of Dr. Taylor, who appears to be pregnant himself, right here.  You can even email him in the nicest possible way to explain how his behavior was very Christian.   It appears that his email address is: headmaster@heritagechristianacademy.org

One other thing.  What happens when a male teacher has hoochy outside of marriage?  I’ll tell you what happens – diddle squat.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

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