Hey, That Doesn’t Count

November 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas’ answer to Jabba the Hut, Congresspuggy Blake Farenthold, has a new Obama scandal.

Blake-Farenthold-199x300Bless his heart, he can’t even let the old one get cold before he breaks out the new one.  But, this one is tremblingly ironic.  It involves numbers, something Farenthold is no damn good at.

When Farenthold got elected, the GOP leadership recognized an unEinstein when they saw it so they put him on the important, prestigious, and powerful Census committee. That means he only has to think once every ten years and even that causes brainstrain in Blake.

Blake has decided that the Census Bureau fudged the unemployment numbers before the 2012 election. He says that a New York Post article making the allegation is “extremely serious.”  That, campers, is the first time the words New York Post and serious have been used in the same sentence.   And coming out of the mouth of Blake Farenthold makes it the trifecta of ridiculous.

Okay, let’s pretend that the unemployment numbers were fudged.  Would take have taken away Mitt Romney’s total cluelessness?  Nope.  Would that have made people want Paul Ryan’s finger on the nuclear launch code?  Uh huh.

Two things are true:  The 2012 election was a damn landslide and Barack Obama is still black.  Blake needs to roll his butt to a quiet comfortable place of get the hell over it.

Thanks to Peter for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hey, That Doesn’t Count”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    His G-Ma was named Sissy?

  2. Aw, Blake, honey! You needs to find you a really absorbing hobby you really like and can handle cuz your line of work is just not your ballgame!

  3. Bless his heart.

  4. Saw him on the news last night and all I could think of was his ducky jammies.

  5. Fred Farklestone says:

    Jobs numbers for 2013.

  6. Scorpie, I’m with you. The jammies photo of Blake is forever in my mind.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    I think Farenthold and Mayor Ford of Toronto fame may have been separated at birth … the look of idiocy would seem to run in the family if that is the case.

    He always has that crap-eating smirk on his ugly mug or maybe it’s a case of bad gas!

  8. All I can think of are the underage girls seen in the picture with Ducky p.j.’s. Let’s get to the bottom of that scandal first.

  9. This talking point is based on a Murdoch controlled newspaper story that is as accurate as most things on Fox News. Here are the facts from the Maddowblog http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/old-conspiracy-theory-makes-comeback

    Before your wacky uncle who watches Fox News all day emails you an all-caps message that reads, “I knew it!” encourage him to take a deep breath. As conspiracy theories go, this is weak tea.

    Part of the problem here is that Republicans don’t seem to understand exactly what they’re alleging. The cast of “Fox & Friends,” for example, told viewers that the White House “cooked the books” to lower the unemployment rate before the election.

    But not only is that incorrect, it’s not quite what the New York Post is even alleging. As Joe Weisenthal noted, the charge here is that those conducting the survey that’s used to determine the unemployment would sometimes rely on bogus surveys “in order to fill in data gaps” when it was “difficult to get adequate response rates on its surveys.”

    It’s a practice that, the New York Post alleges, goes back to at least 2010 (which is to say, it was not used specifically to manipulate the pre-election jobs report in October 2012).

    And really, there’s very little to suggest it happened at all.

    In other words, there’s just not much here, through far-right media can barely contain its excitement, and at least one hearing is probably inevitable given the far-right’s reaction.

  10. Sigh. Like I said, they get just as excited when they use Mop ‘n Glo.

  11. bud malone says:

    Roll his butt? That would be an ugly scene.

  12. Pardon my ignorance, but wouldn’t it be the labor dept that tracks unemployment? I don’t know, so maybe you smart people could enlighten me.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    I think you slandered Jabba the Hut. Slimy as Jabba is, he is better than ducky boy.

  14. If the Dems had fudged the unemployment figures in 2012 wouldn’t they have made them higher?

  15. Oops. I should have said “lower” or perhaps “better.”

  16. Surely the voters of south Texas are not stupid enough to re-elect this person. Random selection would be a better way to choose members of congress.

  17. William Trent says:

    Poor Sissy. It must be terrible to have this doltish creature for a step-grandson.
