Hey Texas, Don’t Mess With Washington (State)

December 22, 2023 By: Fenway Fran Category: Foreign States, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Paxton

Texas AG Ken Paxton must be a special kind of stupid. Not only does he do whatever stupid thing he wants in his own state, he thinks he can do stupid in states not his own. Because he suspects some Texas families have taken their children for gender affirming treatment, he feels he’s got to crack down on that caca de pollo. So he sued Seattle Children’s Hospital to get them to hand over information. Never mind that  Seattle Children’s has no ties to Texas, is not incorporated in Texas, does no banking or advertising in Texas, and has no staff that provides care in Texas. Oh, and HIPAA anyone? Such a stunt worked for the Tennessee AG with Vanderbuilt, which is now being sued for releasing patient records. But Paxton sees no downside to his stupidity. Fortunately, we have the best AG in the country in Bob Ferguson (now running for Governor). And WA was a step ahead of these bozos, passing the Shield Law in response to the Dobbs ruling. “Under the law, Washington courts and law enforcement may not aid, enforce subpoenas and investigations by or make arrests at the request of outside states seeking to prosecute treatment that they ban but that is legal in Washington.” I love living in WA State. I really do.

0 Comments to “Hey Texas, Don’t Mess With Washington (State)”

  1. I just wish Washington, DC was as empowered as Washington State. Unfortunately, the bozos in Congress get to veto what the Mayor and DC City Council pass.

    And, yes, Paxton has to be the dumbest AG in the country. Between him and A Butt, you’d think they are planning a secession, or something.

  2. So let me see if I have this right.
    Paxton & Texas want states’ rights for themselves, but not for other states?

  3. I, too, am delighted to live in Washington State and happy as can be with AG Ferguson.

  4. Makes me sad I am moving out of WA state now I won’t get to vote for Bob for governor. He has been a great AG.

  5. Kenny HAS to look big and important .

  6. How long do you think that ideas like Paxton had fester in his mind? An hour, a minute? I mean the guy is supposedly a lawyer, right? Has a staff of more than one and those people are educated, right? Then there’s the ol boy network. Someone along all those lines must have had a clue that suing another states hospital for private information was a bad idea. I feel like there’s a lot pecans that would roll around if you shake Paxton’s office.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    BarbinDC – the Texas GOP voted in its annual 2022 meeting to put secession on the 2023 ballot – it didn’t make it, but they’ll probably vote on it again in their 2024 meeting. Stupid is not a strong enough word.

  8. My village is 70 miles west of Chicago at the end of the commuter train line which is several miles outside town. This week the great state of Texas sent a bus load of migrants to the untended station in the middle of December and just left them stranded until a train showed up. This is a very GOP part of the state. Locals are not happy with the gamesmanship, using real people like checkers pieces. The poor people had no idea of what to do left off in the middle of empty corn fields.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This probably won’t go anywhere considering it’s teflon Ken but I suppose it’ll be annoying and distracting for him. Maybe keep him busy from his other schemes for a minute.

  10. One thing to keep in mind, no matter how stupid this kinda crap seems to us, the more outrageous it is, the more the base\ primary voters eat it up with a spoon. But that’s only part of it. Just like everything they and trump have done in recent years, it keeps normalizing everything that’s a little less unimaginable.
    I mean seriously, after the bounty hunter abortion law, this isn’t really that much of a stretch IMHO.
    And you never know when this kinda crap is gonna stick.
    There’s no downside for them.
    It’s a win-win-win.
    And I keep having to remind myself that as much as we talk about the right projecting their crap on us, I sometimes can’t help but project a little on them.
    A tiny part of me keeps thinking that they’ll at least sometimes feel a little embarrassed, or…… something when their guys do something like this.
    They wallow around in it like pigs in shit.

    It’s a win-win-win.

  11. The irony is just too rich to miss here. Abbott declares that school vouchers will give parents ample freedom to make decisions about their kids’ education, while at the same time, ol’ Ken says parents have too much freedom when it comes to making decisions about their kids’ gender choices. So, guys, which is it? Where would you two mental midgets draw the line for parents trying to decide what’s best for their kids? Or, as is more likely, do you just see kids as useful tools for your boundless, ethics-free ambition?

  12. P.P. @ #9:
    “no matter how stupid… the more outrageous it is, the more the base\ primary voters eat it up with a spoon.”

    Yes. You hit the nail on the head. It keeps the base engaged, outraged, and distracted from the problems within the Republican Party.

  13. slipstream says:

    And here I thought that Republicans wanted less government interference in people’s lives. Silly me.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Repugnantican maga voters live in a la la land where delusional conspiracies are an addictive drug. Their drug pushers are all over RW media and in the halls of congress and state houses everywhere.

  15. Jealous of anyone living on the “left” coast. It gives me hope when I realize no everyone is an asshole or worships an AR15.

    Roll Tide and Hook’em!
