Hey, Supremes, Thanks for The Damn Goat Rodeo

December 10, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s a damn goat rodeo.

In a move that resembles Bush v. Gore, the  judges on the Supreme Court have thrown a monkey wrench into the entire Texas electoral system. The whole damn thing.  Hell, this is so confusing that we might stop having elections.  We don’t seem to be real good at picking great people anyway, so what the hell do we have to lose?  Hell, at this point, I’m betting the Supremes rule that Antonin Scalia gets to pick all our elected officials with an assist from the Heritage Foundation and Texas’ expert on redistricting, Tom DeLay.  Tom’s tan, rested, and not in prison.

Our filing deadline for public office is December 15th, but The Supremes have decided that they will hear oral arguments against Texas redistricting on  January 9th and decide whenever they get around to it.  So, we can either have our candidates run for an office that they don’t even live in or hold a double primary – one for President, county and statewide offices, the rest – Texas House and Senate and U.S. Congressional – two months later.

Nobody has a clue about how we’re going to pay for this.  Holding primary elections is expensive.  Holding two primary elections is twice as expensive.  And the Texas Secretary of State is already cutting back on the pay for election workers because – all together now – we can’t afford it.

But, the bottom line is that nobody, not even all the damn writ twits at my house, knows what the Supreme Court ruling means, including Harold and Kuff.  And I’ve come to depend on them knowing everything.  Well, except accessorizing – they are both really, really bad at that.

The best background information is here, which basically says that there are no rules to a knife fight.

It’s a damn goat rodeo.

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