Hey Republicans! Here’s an Idea: Keep Beating Up Women. It’s Working So Well For You.

March 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They just can’t leave Sandra Fluke alone.  For some reason, Republican men get up every morning with the uncontrollable desire to beat her up.

Jeb Babbin. Bless His Heart

Please allow me to introduce you to Jeb Babbin.  Take a good look at him over there to the right.  Mr. Babbin could not get laid at the Chicken Ranch with a fifty dollar bill taped to his forehead and hen under each arm.  Maybe that’s why he hates women so much that he’s willing to hurt himself over it.

I do not know what caused him to be so hateful to women, but I suspect it has something to do with the getting laid thing.  I truly don’t know, but my guess is as good as any.  I feel sure that daChipster has some ideas, too, probably in poetry form, at least I hope so.

Anyway, back to Jeb and hooter toters.

Here’s what he said about Sandra Fluke.

Sandra Fluke is the model Welfare Queen for the 21st Century. Upper middle class to start, going to a very expensive (and very liberal law) school on scholarship, and now (as we know from news reports) a tool of the White House media shop. She won’t have kids like the old-style welfare queens. Instead, she will first absorb all the government benefits she can while in school, and then work for a liberal law firm or political organization as a political activist. Or she may become another trusted lieutenant of Eric Holder at Justice. She is a product of the American version of the cradle-through-career indoctrination and career of the old Soviet Komsomol.

Wait a minute!  Wait a minute!  She got a scholarship so that makes her a welfare queen?  Up until this very moment, I thought getting a scholarship was a good thing.  It’s not?

Kinda takes your breath away, doesn’t it?

Honey, Honey, Honey, you’re real okay with Mitt Romney hiding money off shore and Phil Gramm helping rich people avoid paying taxes, but a woman is a welfare queen because she got a scholarship?

Oh Honey, did you bother to tell people that you sucked off the government teat under Daddy Bush as United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, which is clearly the job in charge of ordering pencils and making sure the air conditioner gets turned off on weekends?  Good Lord, did they gift wrap your paycheck?  Awwww … Welfare King, huh?

By the way, Jeb Babbin went to the Cumberland School of Law, whose motto is, “Yeah, well, we never heard of you either.”  I suspect he did not earn a scholarship.  I also suspect the female students were smarter than he is and that he probably didn’t get a date to law prom.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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