Hey, Michael Cohen, Look At Me

May 31, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is kinda cute.  Remember “Lock Her Up?”

Trump has pardoned several political people, including former Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff “Scooter” Libby and former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio.

He did a surprise pardon this morning.


Was this a pardon or a way to send smoke signals to Michael Cohen?


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0 Comments to “Hey, Michael Cohen, Look At Me”

  1. Just curious – did he/will he pardon the woman that Ms. Kardashian went to see him about, or is that not enough for his “cause?”

  2. Probably not. She’s not rich or important or influential. Maybe if someone gets on his case he might but this is not worth betting the rent on. Plus this poor woman is not alt right. Dinesh is. As for a signal to Cohan, that shyster had better opt for prison off shore rather than a pardon. Seems as if he taped Trump. Would bet trump had not seen this news before he pardoned Dinesh. When he does, he may have ro vacate the pardon just to get the message across to “his” lawyer.

  3. Remember “Lock her up?”

    Yeah. It was way back in Nashville, TN on 5-29-2018.

