Hey, Marco, And You’re Not Much of a Man Either, Man
Marco Rubio has decided that the best way to run for President is to empty your brain.
Don’t laugh. It got Sarah Palin the nomination.
Marco has decided to bring new levels of achievement to the field of flip flopping.
In an interview published in the December issue of GQ magazine, Michael Hainey asked the potential 2016 presidential candidate how old he thought the Earth was.
“I’m not a scientist, man,” Rubio replied. “I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States.”
First off, man, are you suggesting that creationist are scientists?
Second off, man, have you come to the earth shattering conclusion that not taking a position on any issue frees you from flip flopping? You flipped a coin and it landed on its edge?
Third off, man, do you see any correlation at all between being able to make a decision about reality and being able to make a decision about economics? Man? Do you?
There’s an old Texas politician story about a mayoral candidate being asked about building more city parks. He replied, “Some of my friends are for building more parks. Some of my friends are against it. Me? I’m for my friends.”
That’s Marco Rubio, man.