Hey, Jeff Sessions! Over Here!

August 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want to say something.  As someone who is eligible for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution …



… please tell the Daughters of the Confederacy that they can kiss my butt.

Bitches, don’t talk to me about patriotism.

So then I see that Jeff Sessions wants to know about me and you being in the Resistance.  He wants to intimidate us into following blindly after Trump.

Sessions, come on over here, you little sawed off, quivering, lily livered, pathetic excuse for a man and I will tell you a great deal about what I am doing.

Look.  Here’s the deal:  if we are knocking down confederate monuments, why is Jeff Sessions still standing?  That’s all the man is – a Confederate monument.

(I told y’all I need some rest.  Oh dear Lord, I’m having a fit.)


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