Hey, Is This Opposite Day or Something?
So, Ted Cruz is distancing himself from the whacked out batcrap crazy stuff in the Officially Licensed Ted Cruz Coloring Book.
He admitted that he doesn’t think that Obamacare is “worse than any war,” which is oddly reassuring from a man who never fought in a war.
But listen to the man who is doing a fellowship in Political Stuntery.
“This is a city where it’s all politics all the time, and I’m trying to do my best to not pay attention to the politics, to focus on fixing the problem,” Mr. Cruz said. “I know that’s hard to believe because no one in this town does that. This is a time for people to step up and do the right thing and that’s what I’m trying to do.”
Holy crap in combat boots – the man has Political Whore tattooed on his butt.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.