Hey, I Have Things to Do

September 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The little boy in my life loves, loves, loves Peppa Pig.  For some damn reason every Peppa sleeping bag for sell is decidedly feminine.  So I found some Peppa fabric featuring George and Grandpa Pig and dusted off my sewing machine.  Priorities.

Use this open thread to discuss the Commander-in-Chief forum upcoming tonight.  And whatever the dickens else is bothering you.


Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Hey, I Have Things to Do”

  1. Peppa fabric featuring George and Grandpa Pig, $4.00 a yard
    couple hours worth of electricity for the sewing machine, $5.00
    Open mic at TWMDBSI, PRICELESS!!

    Let the games begin!

  2. innerlooper says:

    Cause jj’s takin a break i’ll throw this in cause she’d probably not normally link a non topical aside of images.

    https://docs.google.com/ presentation/d/ 1bG6OnjM38BOgNVnyJjrCE40_ Fn1u2xtUaIutI1tOFGU/preview# slide=id.p1/

  3. e platypus onion says:

    What bothers me is I can’t have Shania Twain for my very own, or Misty Copeland and those dancer’s legs of hers.

    If there is a god, she is female and she hates me. Otherwise I’d be devilishly handsome, in my twenties and filthy rich. Then I could buy me some women.

  4. @epo

    The Wisdom of Spock speaks directly to you from the mists of 1967, to wit:
    “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.”

  5. Dear E. Platypus: Forget the “devilishly handsome” and “in my twenties” parts of that equation. Herr Drumph is proof that all it takes is the “filthy rich” part — or, at least, the lavish lifestyle of one who is at least posing as filthy rich. Go for it!

  6. George in Lee County says:

    I am unfamiliar with the Peppa Pig thing. So tell me why the sleeping bags are decidedly feminine and why do pigs need sleeping bags…..

  7. “having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting”

    Poll numbers show Mr. Spock will also have been referring to the election of Ted Cruz. (speaking in the future, Stardate 2973.5, of the past)

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    e platypus: Most of us prefer someone our own age who’s interesting….’young’ doesn’t pick up after itself, ‘handsome’ is often narcissistic, and ‘filthy rich’ is usually ‘entitled’.

    As I said – I’ll take someone interesting who understands my cultural references.

  9. TrulyTexan says:

    So does anyone know if this will be a real Q&A or a canned forum with vetted questions that the candidates already have an answer for? I want to see Trump faced with actual questions he hasn’t heard before or been coached on. And no earpiece so Con-Way can feed him answers.
    I get the feeling he will never put himself in that position, since it would be an epic implosion.

  10. EPO’s wishing reminds me of the joke aboot the guy what found the bottle with the genie inside. Three wishes, as always. After utterly flubbing the first wish and using the second wish to un-flub the first, the hapless guy tells the genie he wishes he were a “stud in LA near the ocean”. Whereupon, when the smoke clears he finds himself out of wishes, the genie long gone, and himself inside a wall in a new housing development near the Santa Monica pier. 🙂

  11. A grandma’s got to do,what a grandma’s got do!!

  12. Why not let your son have a pink piggy sleeping bag?? Pink is a nice strong color!

  13. epo, maybe the Goddess hates you because you think you can buy you some women.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Susan… just a word of caution. Don’t sew during the Forum. You’ll mess up that sleeping bag big-time listening to the ConMan-in-Chief. I’m certain a high degree of pandering and tough-guy pronouncements will be involved. I’m not watching.

  15. Margaret Rose says:

    We’ve got to get to the bottom of the conspiracy of why the bobbin always runs out when you only have 6 inches left to sew. IT’S AN ISIS/IRAQI PLOT I tell you!

  16. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    via NYC blogger — “The Texas Tribune reports: The federal government is accusing Texas of circulating “inaccurate or misleading information” to poll workers and would-be voters”


  17. Since he purports to know more than the generals, Dumpy will no doubt conduct himself with the usual condescension and wild generalities. As the gym teacher in a Seinfeld episode said to George Costanza, “Can’t Standja”. Since my blood pressure shoots up when Drumpf starts to blow, I will refrain from watching his part. Will enjoy seeing Hillary rule the roost.

  18. @micr: What’s TWMDBSI?

  19. Aggieland Liz says:

    Piaqt: You Are Here-

    The Worlds Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.


  20. e platypus onion says:

    Rhea, I don’t rally want to buy any woman. But it would be nice, just once, to know I could if I wanted.

    I plan on sitting in for god and making the bad guys of the world relocate to a parallel universe where they can kill each other to their heart’s content. There will be peace on Earth with me in charge. And I don’t need no woman tagging along to do it right. No offense to any women.

  21. George in Lee County says:


    Written like a guy who has been married too many time and/or too long. Hang on. In anther year or so you will come to appreciate the value of whomever you are spending evenings with.

  22. Tilphousia says:

    e platypus, I hope you get your wish about sending those who would war to a parellel universe (uninhabited by any native life forms). Peace on earth would be a novel concept as it has never happened. So go for it – E platypus onion for god. I’d vote for that.

  23. Elizabeth Moon says:

    So Rinse & Repeat Pree-bust just tweeted his response on the Forum, claiming that Clinton looked “defensive” and “angry” and didn’t smile.

    I swear that boy has not learned a thing in the last year. Any woman who votes Republican is cutting off her own nose to spite someone else’s face.

  24. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Katrina Pierson was just on MSNBC and says the reason the Dallas Morning News endorsed HRC was because its a LIBERAL newspaper!

  25. I haven’t the slightest idea what a Peppa Pig is but I sense a lot of grandmother love is going into that sleeping bag. You are a Peach!

  26. The fam had a get together this afternoon and when we got home my little bride payed the recorded video of the CiC Forum for add’l entertainment. 30 minutes of Drumpf face time gave me a tension headache. I headed to the gym to try to get over it, but three gym buddies were standing behind me yapping to each other, loudly, in Spanish, how good Drumpf had done. The headache got worse and I started to feel nauseous. BTW complementing Drumpf doesnt sound any better in breathless adoring Spanish than it sounds in Texas english. Gawd I want to be beamed from Dallas to some place where there is intelligent life.

  27. AlanInAustin ... says:

    So much to say about tonight, but this was my favorite:

    Trump then: “Unfortunately, I’ll probably have to tell at some point, but there is a method of defeating them quickly and effectively and having total victory. All I can tell you it is a foolproof way of winning, and I’m not talking about what some people would say, but it is a foolproof way of winning the war with ISIS.”

    Trump forum: “But when I do come up with a plan that I like…”

    **WHEN*** you come up with a plan? What happened to that 100% guaranteed one you’ve been telling us about?

  28. Alan, I noticed that too, but it seemed to blow right past Matt Lauer. He did catch Scumpf saying he would get the generals together to see what they thought. The fact is, Scumpf has never had a plan. It was just another lie.

    Scumpf just flapped his lips with his usual lines about making America great “again.” Lauer tried to pin him down, but Scumpf is too slimy. No direct answers to anything. I don’t think he can string together a coherent beginning, middle and end of a plan. Lauer questioned Scumpf on his coziness with Putin. Not much there either. He didn’t back down much on his admiration for the Stalin wanna be.

    Hillary was decisive, clear, and had it all covered. Jeez, she really knows her stuff. Hillary described her seamless plan, from DoD to VA, to take care of veterans and fight against suicides.

    Now I just saw a poll, in Wapo I think, showing Scumpf with a double digit lead among military types. Why? Why do they like him? He would be really bad for the military and vets.

  29. Once again Trump is channeling Nixon. This is just the secret plan to end the war all over again.

  30. slipstream says:

    AlanInAustin: Trump’s plan to win the war on terror sorta reminds me of Nixon’s secret plan for ending the war in Viet Nam.

    Which turned out to be: losing.

  31. I need help with this from a US service member attorney. My ROTC experience was 1969-1971ish.

    Hair Drumpf stated as POTUS he would have us, military? civilians? who? “take the oil”, referring to Irak I think.

    “Looting and pillaging” is how I understand the the 4th Geneva Convention’s way of describing “taking the oil”.

    As POTUS Hair Drumpf would order or encourage such atrocities worthy of Saddam, Stalin, Mao, and yes even Hitler. Hair Drumpf still sickens me, but his rhetoric has escalated from endangering our country to endangering other countries on the planet.

  32. Pollytiques says:

    I hope someone counted the number of times Trump said Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and publishes it.

  33. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr.. “take the oil”? So we’re sending troops with barrels? Is that why Drumpf wants to upspend on Defense? Tanker trucks and barrels? Mind… boggeling.

  34. @Pollytiques

    I counted 14 what I call instances. That is he said Obama or Hilary. I didnt +1 if he said “and” the other, or if he tiraded and said Obama or Hilary in several subsequent sentences.

    This as compared to 4 under the same counting procedure of Sec Clinton.

  35. WA Skeptic says:

    I see: we just drive an Ultra tanker up to the dock in Iraq or Saudi Arabia with a machine gun on the bow and say “Fill ‘er up”?? That’s called armed robbery and it’s illegal in this country and liable to get your a&& blown out of the water over there.

    Thanks for your input, Donnie. We’ll call you when a position comes up that fits your talents. (Like NY real estate developer or something equally unscrupulous.)

  36. So let him embrace his feminine side.

  37. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf ain’t that dumb to send tankers. He doesn’t own any. He will send hotels with his name on them to collect the oil and then triple the rent so he makes more money for himself.

  38. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf’s feminine side might come back and haunt him. Barbra Boxer is asking federal agencies to investigate claims of former models being used and abused as immigrant workers.

  39. @Aggieland Liz: Thanks. @micr: Beam yourself to NYC. Yes, the Talking Yam is from here, but NYC is the place you’ll hear, “yo, fuck Donald Trump” on the subway, and people applauding the sentiment. In 20 different languages.

  40. @piaqt
    Thanks for the thought. However for various illogical and deeply primal reasons NYNY isnt on the short list.
