Hey, Does Anybody Remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright?
Yeah, remember Obama’s preacher that the rightwing went wacky over?
When they’ve “evolved” and crazy preachers are now “filled with the spirit of religious freedom.”
Rev. Kevin Swanson, who is white, says that gays should be rounded up and executed, women who wear pants cause natural disasters, and that the movie “Frozen” turns girls into lesbians. Now I’m not saying that this guy has an s-e-x problem, but … oh hell, of course he has a s-e-x problem. An enormous one. Colossal. Huuuuge.
He doesn’t seem to mind stealing stuff, or killing people, but damn, you people need to stop thinking about sexy things or we’re all going to hell.
So, those fire and brimstone presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal all march into Rev Swanson’s church and cuddle up to him.
When Ted Cruz asked about associating with this guy, he had a ready answer.
“Listen I don’t know what this gentleman has said and what he hasn’t said. I know that when it comes to religious liberty, this is a passion of mine that has been a passion of mine for decades. And that I have been fighting for religious liberty for everyone…for Christians, for Jews, for Muslims, for every one of us to practice our faith…”
First off, he’s not a gentleman, he’s a jerk. Second off, telling your congregation that certain groups of people should be killed is not any form of religious messaging. Third off, Cruz has not fought for decades or we would have a record of him defending Barack Obama’s religious liberty.
Lying must be okay, too. Just don’t make the unpardonable sin of buying Girl Scout cookies.
Perhaps his s-e-x problem isn’t HUGE, but rather tiny instead.
1I know, I’m bad.
He he!
Is anyone surprised? Not I.
2That is a bizarre photo which unfortunately documents the guy.
3Ted Cruz, a man big enough to embrace a big tent, all inclusive philosophy of religion, comprising even those who want to kill, blame, isolate, or accuse others of impossible actions such as creating natural disasters with pants.
4Kafateria KKKristians are so tedious.
5Raphael Daffy Jr. Cruz has nary a problem with a Xtian jihadist advocating death to Americans. Sure thing “Senator,” keep representing the jihadists over the US Constitution. Great job of proving that you’re crazier than your Daddy, Daffy Cruz, Sr.
6The good reverend appears ready to grope hisownself-somewhere,anywhere just to get into the spirit of the moment.Looks like he is prematurely exacerbating, too.
7People like this make me want to run out and do the opposite of whatever they said, because I’m reasonably sure that I will thereby be doing the good, just, and moral thing.
8Rachel Maddow had a fairly long clip of the reverend last night. The man definitely needs electroshock therapy. But hold the button down for a lot longer than recommended. It never ceases to amaze me that such a loud mouth doofus can actually keep a congregation.
9Saw a clip of him last night on Rachel Maddow’s show of him preaching before interviewing the three repubs. Scary.
10Educate me. Is this buy a free range “pastor”? Many decades ago there was a Father Coughlin in Michigan who started gibbering his jabber like this guy does but he belonged to a much larger organization with things called bishops who put him out of circulation rather handily. Either way, free range or seminary sprouted, who the hell needs these ayatollahs?
11All these”pastors” and the candidates who cozy up to them are AHs and idiots proof positive that the best training ground for con artists of all stripes within, and outside of, politics is probably a seminary school.
12What’s scary about this guy and others like him is that people are listening. And those people are the problem and the danger. They have issues, personal demons they either can’t or won’t face, and in search of someone to blame. Truly scary.
13Um, did anyone else notice that while Rev. Wright and almost all the members of his church are black and this guy …. isn’t.
14Wright’s congregation is prolly all commie,muslim,socialist welfare deadbeats,too and liberal.
15Wow! I just watched the clip from Rachel’s show, well part of it anyway, and this is one scary, hateful person who is supposedly a Christian who follows JC’s example – NOT! I don’t believe that JC was around when Leviticus was written as I think that is Old Testament. I’d sure hate to claim him as a relative, or even a human being at this point!
16Hey JJ,
I don’t think his sex problems involve the word “enormous”.
17I think teeny and tiny would be better.
I’m not going to muck up my brain by watching this guy, but I bet he has very little acquaintance with the red-letter verses of the Bible. (In some editions, Jesus quotations are printed in red. This does *not* mean that people like him pay more attention to them.)
18JAKvirginia is spot on that the people who lap this stuff up are not only dangerous but numerous in the conservative ranks. This is the stuff of nightmares.
19JAKvirginia and maryelle, his followers are of the same ilk as those of Bilgo whose angry rhetoric led to the murder of Dr. Tiller. If the rantings of Kevin lead to the injury or worse of one member of the LGBT community, expect an outcry of right wing denial. For all their nattering to the contrary, “personal responsibility” is not a concept they embrace.
Actively promoting murder should fall under the hate crimes statutes and be prosecuted accordingly. Free speech does not cover yelling fire nor should promoting murder. Realistically, Kevin should be held for assault or murder by proxy, if anyone is harmed.
20So Cruz, Jindal et al cozied up to this guy? Proof positive that they have no class,no taste, no brains and frankly no morals. Yuck!!!
21Does anyone know if this horrible man’s organization has tax exempt status?
If you look at the link to Cruz talking about that preacher and religious freedom, somebody struck out his (alleged) comment about religious freedom for Muslims. Sorry, just had to put that here. Now the PBJ is calling.
24If I am not trying to impose my religious beliefs on you, but you are trying to impose your religious beliefs on me, then it is not your religious freedom that is in question.
25Interestingly enough, a now retired religion minister at one of the local Christian U’s here in Abilene taught a class on how to “grow your congregation”. How do I know this? I sat thru a shift with him and his wife a couple of years ago at the Dem’s booth, West Tx Fair and Rodeo. While I was extremely glad to have these fine folks helping us “man the booth”, I found a “higher calling” for the good professor, and sent him out with the Dem’s candidate for Congress against Randy Neugebauer, to meet and greet all the other booth workers in the building. Democrats have a very large tent.
26I saw the clip on Rachel, too. Sick, disgusting, and terrifying. This man is insane, and no sane or morally cognizant person would have anything to do with him.