Hey, Does Anybody Know Anything That Happens In November?

April 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Governor Rick Perry and his Troope of Little Yapping Dogs in the State Legislature decided to turn down $33 million of federal money for women’s health care just to keep Planned Parenthood from giving women mammograms and pap smears because, you know, it’s so much more fun to watch women suffer from stage 4 cancer without insurance than to detect and treat it early.

Well, Rick Perry has a plan.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission will ask the feds to keep funding them through November 1. (Texas was supposed to get cut off at the end of April.) By then, presumably, the state will find some way to free up dollars.

Perry 2016: Because He's Got Some Leftover Stoopid

November… November … Hummmmmm, what happens in November?  Why would we want to keep women from getting riled up against Republicans until …. hummm, after November?

And what’s Rick’s plan after November?  Oh, it’s a Rollickin’ case of Damned If I Know.

Rick is asking each Republican serving in the Texas Lege to swear an oath to his next Presidential run.  No, I am not kidding.

Yesterday, Perry announced his “Budget Compact,” which asks lawmakers to pledge no new or increased taxes as well as offering voters a constitutional amendment that would limit spending increases to the population growth.

Well, except for children.  This year in Texas is the first time ever in the entire history of the state that we have decreased per pupil spending on Texas education.  Four billion, with a b for Bad, dollars was cut.

I have one question to Rick:  where are we going to find the money to pay for your security while you prance (and yeah, yeah, I said prance) around the America making a damfool of yourself and the entire state of Texas?  And where are we going to find the money to pay your $10,000 a month rent and your fancy wines?

Could we at least quit paying that until November?

Thanks to Diane for the heads-up.

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