Hey Buddy, Salute This!

April 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last Wednesday, a new website was launched.  It’s called Patriots United for Freedom.

It must be legitimate – the American flag, the Constitution and an American eagle are all on the first page of the web site.

You can’t do that unless you’re legitimate.  It’s the law.

From looking over the website, I can tell that they are for what is good and against what is bad.

To be more specific —

Aren’t you tired of only hearing one side of the Gun debate argument no matter where you turn? Aren’t you tired of these indoctrinated liberals screaming to take your rights away because of the failures to enforce already existing laws? Aren’t you tired of your politicians only seeing one side and slowly chipping away at […]

I can’t find anything after the […] but I am certain that it was very patriotic and had an eagle on it.

One day later, a new PAC was filed with the Federal Elections Commission.


And on their website where they say “we,” it more like …


… this guy.

Or, as Alfredo says, “Calling for the Repeal of the Second Amendment is Like Catnip for Super PAC Scammers.”

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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