
September 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Go get a Twitter account just so you can follow #missing2min. It’s a damn hoot!

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Hey”

  1. I have thought about doing twitter but can’t figure out how to do it.
    I’ll have to ask my students!

  2. Twitter is rather hilarious – beware, there is very little censorship re “non-Mama-approved” verbiage and @Eykis is GUILTY if charged. My 82yro Mama knows about Eykis but not how to Tweet~and I ain’t giving her instructions. She would not be shocked, just tell me, “you did not learn those words in my house”, so I tell her, I know, I learned them from working for lawyers all my life. ROFLMFAO

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    Here’s some of the ones I dared to copy:
    Mitt lifting up the human mask and showing he’s a lizard.
    How rich am I? Well, this is Jack Lord’s actual hair.
    Soylent Green – a plan to ‘consolidate’ the lower classes.
    Proudly shares wallet photos of Bain’s Chinese sweat shop.
    A moment of silence to honor the death of his campaign.
    during break in video, rafalca debuts new dance routine to “we’re in the money.”
    Takes a quick poll asking if they think Paul Ryan is hotter than Sarah Palin.
    Romney sings a verse and chorus from Alice’s Restaurant.
    Romney ends with his new slogan, “The Aristocrats!”
    Admits he’s actually Kenyan.
    Mitt talks like a pirate.
    Reveals whereabouts of Elvis.
    Reminds everyone that he almost lost to Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
    Declares “The Phantom Menace” to be “probably the best of all the Star Trek films”
    Talks about his crush on Ginger during the shipwreck days of the SS Minnow.
    Mitt Romney explains how he used to date Rachel Maddow.
    Admits that Snooky’s baby is his love child.
    he showed them photos of Kolob.
    “Robots are people, my friend.”
    Introduces three sister wives: “Stepford,” “Barefoot” and “Pregnant”
    Aide enters and replaces his 64 Energizer D cells.
    Removed a heckler from the room. It was Ann.
    Romney mimics Sheriff Bart from “Blazing Saddles”: “Excuse me while I whip this out…”

  4. Barbara in Houston says:

    @Sam, my favorite was “YOU GET A TAX CUT! YOU GET A TAX CUT! YOU ALL GET TAX CUTS!!!!”

  5. Mitt does an interpretive dance to “Putting on the Ritz.”

  6. You don’t need to sign up for twitter to follow this unless you want to contribute otherwise just go to this site: https://twitter.com/i/#!/search/realtime/%23missing2min

  7. I signed up on twitter ‘cuz it’s cool and trendy; but stayed for the snark. The sweet delicious snark! 😉
