He’s So Lost That He’s Going To Have To Take Out An Ad in the Newspaper For Someone to Come Find Him

July 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is lost.  I mean really lost.

Nearly two months after calling the nation to a day of prayer and fasting at Reliant Stadium, Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday said he still was not sure what role he will play in the Aug. 6 event.

“I’m going to be there; I may be ushering, for all I know,” Perry said during a bill-signing ceremony at the Greater Houston Partnership. “Don’t get confused; this isn’t about me. It’s not about the people on the stage, either. This is truly about coming together as a state and lifting up this nation in prayer and having a day of prayer and fasting.”

“Oh, Gov.  This is pretty bad.  You were heading up this thing so fancy that Sweet Jesus sent out notes about being upstaged,” Juanita said when she called his voice mail this morning.

“Lookie, here, Mr. GQ in pajama pants, you invited all these weirdos to Houston so now you can’t be saying that you don’t know these guys,” she shouted on the phone.

“You know what this is all about, don’t you?” Juanita asked as an aside to me.  “The fool just now figured out that these people he calls his friends are batcrap crazy.   He didn’t realize they were a taco short of a combination platter.”

“And by the way, Gov, now that I have your voice mail.  What is the deal with you showing up in a sports coat and pajama pants at least twice now at important events?  You got a bad jock itch or something?  You can’t figure out how to operate a zipper?  Dude, put on your big boy pants.”

In more ways than one, Honey, in more ways than one.

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