He’s Running His Mouth To Cancun This Time.

January 04, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thelma said that Ted Cruz is testing the Jesus in her.  I get it, I really do.

Ted has his own podcast now.  I can’t listen to it under strict orders from a pretty good cardiologist, but I am told that his latest babble is that ..

Sen. Ted Cruz said that a Republican-led House after the 2022 elections likely will consider impeaching President Biden on “multiple grounds.”

In the latest episode of his podcast “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” the Texas Republican said he was extremely confident that his party will win Congressional majorities and that this would open the door for retaliation against the Democrats for impeaching then-President Donald Trump.

His theory is that Republicans don’t need a reason to impeach Biden because Democrats didn’t have a reason to impeach Trump. They are going to do it just for retaliation.

Remember how they spent eight years suing Obama?  And none of it worked?

Look, I know we’ve got Joe Manchin, but they’ve got two ultra rightwing drama queens fixin’ to bitch slap each other.  Dan Crenshaw and Majorie Taylor Greene are baring their teeth, Honey.  I mean, when even your subgroups are infighting, you’ve got some repair work to do.

Meanwhile, Ted’s out there leading a one man parade. It’s gonna take some pom-poms and glitter for him to get noticed and that’s what this impeachment stuff is.


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0 Comments to “He’s Running His Mouth To Cancun This Time.”

  1. Buttermilk Sky says:

    A week after making a Texas-size fool of himself attacking Washington state over a tweet from Western Australia, you’d think Rafael would learn to shut up.


  2. The Surly Professor says:

    “It’s gonna take some pom-poms and glitter for him to get noticed”.

    Sorry, JJ, but that is getting close to summoning an image of him that no mind should ever have to visualize. I’m eternally grateful for you not posting the paisley bathrobe picture of him. But please keep the categories of “cheerleader” and “Ted Cruz” as widely separated as “open flame” and “plastic bag containing gasoline” should be.

    Unless someone here has a New Year’s Eve resolution about losing weight rapidly ….

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Cruz is a conniving wannabe. It’s so embarrassing to admit I’m from Texas, home of Cruz, Abbott, Paxton, Patrick et al. Perhaps if we treated them all like Jimmy Kimmel does the Old Pretender and show them yammering on in their altogether, as a reminder the emperors have no clothes.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I read an article today about how the Jan 6 insurrection has not hurt the repugnantican party “brand”. Their “brand”? I repeat, their “brand”. The despicable creatures like cruze are the repugnantican brand. This is going to be a long year of these cruze types (and there are so many) spewing their crap every day and the cult is eating it up. What do they stand for again? Can’t wait to read the highlights of trumpf’s Jan 6 celebration “news conference” this week. This is all making me nauseous.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    O dear Lord, what will the Orange One be bloviating about now? And I really do not understand the impeachment bumper stickers, etc. that are about. Impeach for WHAT, for goodness sake?

  6. JJ do you know anyone who could start up a podcast called “Verdict On Ted Cruz”? Might be a handy way to inform Texans of the many foibles and failings of Raphael.

  7. Only in TX can a Latino immigrant get elected as a white racist.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just read trumpf cancelled his “press conference” blaming the fake media. I think someone told him he’d be a fool, like he isn’t already. Some other crazy repugnantican will fill the void, so no worries. I’m sure cruz is available.

  9. This January 6, it is time to reread The Gettysburg Address. Those words from a century and a half ago ring as true right now as they did when Lincoln wrote them. We are in a conflict for the soul of our nation.

  10. john in denver says:

    re: a Texas-size fool of himself attacking Washington state over a tweet from Western Australia,…. opened up the possibilities of a new nickname — KangaCruz.

    Personally, I appreciate him blurting out the plans of the Republicans if they have a House majority. That will be one MORE illustration of the Republicans not tolerating opposition and using every possible method to attack Democrats.

  11. Jace @ 9, According to this article from the Guardian, there were more than 1,000 individuals that were involved with Jan 6th.



  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Grandma Ada @3: before you burn your birth certificate in shame because it says “Texas” on it … don’t forget Molly Ivins, Jim Hightower, Ann Richardson, Barbara Jordan, and our very own JJ Herownself were/are also Texans.

    There’s a merry gang of communist revolutionaries (OK, Democrats) working to turn Tarrant County (Fort Worthless and environs) blue:
    https://tarrant-together.com/board-of-directors/ , and in 2020 the county actually voted for Biden over Trump. Barely, but it’s far better than I would have predicted. If it weren’t for the T**** Plague, I would have moved back to Texas where I’d be harassing my old Latino friends to get out the vote.

    OK, that last one may not be a great example of progressives in Texas. But because we don’t routinely make stupid statements, and confuse foreign countries for US states, we don’t grab headlines like the Doofus Division does.

  13. He’s extremely confident his party will win congressional majorities? What? Did the Russians give him a promise or something?
