He’s Probably Looking For A Way To Get Out of Paying for Any Health Insurance for His Employees

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Since the Supremes have validated religion over reality in the workplace, it appears to me that religious people are testing the waters.

pat_robertsonAnd of course, what’s religion without Pat Robertson?  He has become a medical expert, too.

Televangelist Pat Robertson advised a mother on Monday that she could cure her son’s stomach pains by finding someone to cast out demons that were possibly caused by an ancestor who practiced witchcraft.

Oh yeah, tummy aches are caused by Great Aunt Bessy Mae’s tarot cards.  Because God is like that.  Just damn mean.

Robertson prescribes “spiritual warfare.”  Which is a helluva lot cheaper than health care.  He does warn the woman not to be taken in by “charlatans” in the area of spiritual warfare, which seems rather self-defeating for Robertson.

I am sure that is Robertson’s “sincerely held religious belief,” so look out health coverage at The 700 Club.

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0 Comments to “He’s Probably Looking For A Way To Get Out of Paying for Any Health Insurance for His Employees”

  1. A fool who knows his foolishness is wise at least to that extent. But a fool who thinks himself wise is Pat Robertson.

  2. and the first demon who needs to be cast out is Pat Robertson.

  3. What in the world?

    If I had not seen the clip, I would think that the (mostly liberal) sites talking about this were lying, or at least exaggerating.

  4. I read the whole article and it scares me silly. The mom asked Pat about her son’s health problems before she took him to a doctor. “…her son had ‘painful shock-waves thru his body’ that originated in his stomach while she was praying for him and calling on ‘the name of JESUS.'” Maybe the poor boy said that just so mom would stop praying over him and let him go to sleep? Or maybe she’s given him an anxiety attack which can have these very symptoms?

    Poor kid.

  5. The upside is that the more people who are forced out of employer health care plans into the exchanges, the closer we get to single payer.

  6. He, being the head charlatan, should know all about it.

  7. You are more charitable than I. When I first heard of this I figured Dementia had him in grasp, but your theory involves some higher level thought, which I didn’t think in his state was possible.
    Yeah, I can diagnose remotely too! I hope that doesn’t make me a Republican!

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    Dear God … I would have to bet that the old Devil done got Pat Robertson lock, stock and barrel … that … and ole dementia has set in as if encased in cement!!

    The day this old delusional fart dies will be an interesting day in the Hereafter … listening to how he explains all this to God … the one in the Hereafter, not the one poor Pat thinks he is yakking with! I don’t have a clue who that otherworldly dude might be, but methinks it is certainly Satan!!

  9. I don’t want to read about Pat Robertson for the same reason I don’t want to read about Ann Coulter: it’s rude to stare at the mentally ill when they start foaming off in public.

    That mother should be told that courts are often not letting parents neglect or kill their children because of “religion.”

    If Robertson presents himself at the Pearly Gates, expecting a big welcome: “Pat who?”

  10. OldMayfly says:

    A NY Times article I read years ago featured Pat Robertson. The only statement I remember from the article is, “Crazy opinions pop out of him like gum-balls out of a bum-ball machine.”

  11. OldMayfly says:

    sorry for typo

    “…like gum-balls out of a gum-ball machine.”

  12. OldMayfly, the first one is far more descriptive of anything coming out of Pat Robertson.

  13. I have to agree with JT, the first typo was a better description, though I never heard of a Freudian typing slip before, you may have the first, OldMayfly!

  14. donquijoterocket says:

    Lest anyone think Pat’s got a lock on the crayzee . Demons seem to dog the Guardians Of Privilege Party and at least Pat is not looking to become someones state legislator like this guy-http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/gordon-klingenschmitt-demon-obsessed-anti-gay-exorcist-wins-gop-primary-colorado
    This will become a near permanent fixture in the at least he’s not your state legislator category but Dr. “chaps”is running out of the Colorado Springs area which is the home to Dobson’s Focus on the Family organization a self-contained repository of silliness so large it has its own zip code. so he might get himself elected to the Democratic dominated legislature in one of the two states that has decriminalized marijuana. Both these people have, I believe, an Elmer Gantry fixation.

  15. maryelle says:

    Cast out those demons and Democrats.
    Hey, Demoncrats… yeah, that’s killing both birds with one exorcism. How fanciful, yet
    efficient saith Rev. Robertson. Who needs healthcare?????????

  16. All tides rise. Robertson lives in a city on the coast. Folks, its hurricane season. Let him raise his hands and cast out the demons of storm surge! Good luck with that!

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, may this evil charlatan be smitten with a wind driven sandbag or a timber from his own roof. Or, his own personal preference, a lightning bolt from god.
