He’s Making a List. He’s Checking It Twice. He Wants To Find Out Who’s Naughty and … No, Wait, Just Naughty.

February 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry and his writ twits want a list of everybody who testified at the grand jury before Perry was indicted.

rickperryfingerNow, just so everybody understands the game here:  Perry is under a two count indictment – one count of abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony punishable by five to 99 years in prison, and one count of coercion of a public servant.  The indictment was brought by a special prosecutor, a man who everybody admits is non-partisan, and the majority of witnesses against Perry are his own staff.

Special prosecutor Michael McCrum last year said he had interviewed more than 40 people before the grand jury indicted Perry in August.

A number of people who were on Perry’s staff during his time as governor entered the room where the grand jury met behind closed doors last summer.

The score so far is 2 to zero on getting the case dismissed by a judge.  And when even Tom DeLay says things don’t look good for Rick, you know there’s a problem.

I have some help for Rick.  So you want to know who testified before the grand jury?  Everybody, Babe, everybody.

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0 Comments to “He’s Making a List. He’s Checking It Twice. He Wants To Find Out Who’s Naughty and … No, Wait, Just Naughty.”

  1. Sputtering! That’s what he’s doing. Sputtering! Like an old gasbag who has just discovered that the great unwashed has invaded his private club and taken over his own anointed easy chair. This is the part that would make a great satirical sit-com if it wasn’t all just so criminal and cray-cray!

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Much of the evidence is public record. All the Grand Jury did was add a personal touch and a back story. A good courtroom drama requires a good back story.

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Leave this poor man alone. We need him to be a viable VP candidate (at least) soon. Push this back so he can be Agnewed
    later on. Of course, that is a worst case scenario, but . . .

  4. TexasEllen says:

    How’s he on vaccines? He needs to be stuck for hoof & mouth.

  5. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Oh man! I would love, Love, LOVE to see (P)Rick get time.
    Even the minimum. And do it in Huntsville, too.

    Sorry, that’s just the way I feel.
    Just saying…..

  6. Wow. Just wow. It was yore staff what testified to the grand jury against you there PRicky Boy. You telling us you don’t know who’s on yore staff?? Their names? Maybe with 40 being interviewed it would be easier knowing who didn’t testify.

  7. Alacrity Fitzhughe’s comment reminds me that PRicky has supped at the public trough for so long he might have no place to go home to. If he gets convicted and if he gets time to do maybe TDCJ-ID will get him in a facility near Paint Creek. Otherwise, if I were his travel agent for this time away, I’d strongly suggest he do his time in deep east Texas. Near Palestine. It is beautiful there. Year in and year out. For as many years as PRicky needs to be there.

  8. Mark Schlemmer, good point, but why set our goals so low. Rick Perry for President! For VP we could have Palin or Cruz or–heck–why not Gohmert?

  9. Larry from Colorado says:

    TexasEllen: Shouldn’t that be hoof IN mouth?

  10. Or rabies????

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Before we get too excited, let’s remember this is Texas and Rick Perry is involved. I got $5 that says he won’t do 1 day of time behind bars.

    If I’m wrong, I’ll donate to a save the wolves fund.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Lorraine in Spring-koch bros just now killed all wolves so that dollar of yours will be theirs. Don’t think for a minute they don’t know where every dollar is at all times.

  13. Micr, Robertson Prison in Jones County appears to be the closest TDCJ facility to Paint Creek in southeast Haskell County. My personal preference would be to put him in the tent prison in Arizona.

  14. @SusanF
    Oh SusanF, if outa state is on the table, I’d suggest picturesque Florence, Colorado. And not the Club Fed there. ADMAX. Trees. Birds. 410 Republican leaning buddies for that all important male bonding thing.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    I thought grand jury proceedings were supposed to be secret.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Grand jury stuff IS supposed to be secret. Anyway why’s he need to know? So he can stick his tongue out at them? And I’d think just building a big pen for him up at Paint Creek oughta be punishment enough. Or is it Paint Rock? I get them mixed up.

  17. Gosh who knew his staff had it in for him. Guess those glasses really didn’t help him look so smart.

  18. So….if ol’ Ricky gets the charges dismissed, does that mean he’s innocent?

  19. I have to admit, I’m getting real confused with how the indictment thing works. If Perry is to be tried, his lawyers have the right to access all evidence against him in advance. Would not that include viable witnesses who have testimony? Why is knowing who gave testimony at Grand Jury useful…unless of course they want to coerce them….

  20. Henceforth shall he be known as The Accused.

  21. The way things are going for him, this will go to trial. And then he will find out who testified against him.
