He’s Leaving On a Jet Plane, Hope He Won’t Come Back Again
Trump is going to deliver a “prime time address” tomorrow night about border security. I hope they have one of those small inset screens at the bottom with Nancy Pelosi shaking her head when he goes off on a tangent and stops being part of the social contract.
Sarah Sanders says that Trump will travel to the border this week but damn that woman hasn’t said anything true in a looooong time so I have no reason to believe her now. However, if he does go, I hope someone shows him that the border has an underground, a sky, and and ocean. Maybe we need a roof and a battleship.
Y’all, seriously, what if he goes off during his speech to the nation and rattles on for an hour about nothing? Do we have to listen? Will there be a test afterwards?
Can you just see all the Russians gathered in the Kremlin writing his national security speech right now?
By the way, he’s still saying that he can declare a national emergency and order the military to build a border wall. I think that was season three of House of Cards. I would be terribly surprised if the contract for his new metal fence didn’t go to the Trump Metal Fence Company.