He’s Just An Embarrassing New York Times Headline In The Making

February 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You write this down somewhere so I won’t have to say I told you so.

Ted Cruz is just three pounds of bombastic in a two pound sack.

I think I broke Facebook and Twitter yesterday because I watched the Hagel vote.  Alone.  If Juanita screams in an empty room, does anybody hear it?  Well, I made damn sure they did on Facebook.

That chubby little Cruz jerk  attempted to attack Chuck Hagel’s reputation by suggesting that maybe he was buddy buddy with terrorists.  The truly weird part is that he kept saying, “I am not questioning his patriotism or his integrity,” and in the next sentence ask, “how do we know he didn’t have financial dealings with Iran?  He might have.”  Hell, he might as well have said “fellow traveler.”

There is something so promising about this guy being the next Joe McCarthy.

Write that down and keep an eye on him.  He’s dangerous.

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