He’s Comfortable Anywhere He Goes, Mr. Weird Heads.

February 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are up in arms about President Obama going to a Mosque.

Rubio’s objections are far more sinister, of course, because he’s a pro at this.

220px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressRubio then compared anti-Muslim bigotry to friendly sports rivalries, and argued that Obama’s speech was really the thing causing division. “But again, it’s this constant pitting people against each other — that I can’t stand that. It’s hurting our country badly,” Rubio said.

So, it’s really okay to hate Muslims.  Hey, you hate the Dallas Cowboys, don’t you?  Same exact deal.

Trump, of course, wanted headlines so he said some outrageous things so the press would pay attention to him.

“I don’t have much thought, I think that we can go to lots of places. Right now I don’t know if he’s — maybe he feels comfortable there,” Trump said of Obama’s mosque visit during an appearance on Fox News. “We have a lot of problems in this country … there are a lot of places he can go, and he chose a mosque.

Men who are comfortable in their own skin can pretty much go anywhere and be comfortable.  You know, like Jesus did.

I need to say something.  Rubio and Cruz scare me far worse than Donald Trump does.


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