Here’s What Happened
No, I did not forget to pay the bill.
My website holder got an email from some folks who were claiming that I had violated their copyright two years ago with a cartoon. They have been claiming this a couple times a year but my geek would always catch it because it came from company that does jewelry to put created remains in and that’s not something I generally write about.
We always asked them for more specific information and since they never followed through with any of their threats to sue me, we started ignoring them.
Then I switched domain servers. I forgot to tell them about this. They got one of the emails and shut my butt down. We got it fixed and we’re back in business.
I truly appreciate all the emails to tell me about it and almost got teary-eyed with people offering to pitch in a couple of bucks to help pay the bill. We’re able to make payroll right now but if the gerbils ever need food, you’ll be the first to know.