Here’s the Goofy Backstory on D’Souza’s Pardon

June 01, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, unprecedented

To any objective observer, Dinesh D’Souza is a lying shitbag.  He’s famous for his lie-filled films like “Obama’s America” and “Hillary’s America” where he turns logic on its head peddling wild stories about everyone with whom he politically disagrees.  Debunking his bullshit is virtually a full time job for Media Matters. He spins wild conspiracy theories; for example, his book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 blamed Democrats for the 9/11 attacks.  One of his most famous volumes was The Roots of Obama’s Rage where he fabricated the argument that Obama “was carrying out the anticolonial agenda of his Kenyan father”, whatever the hell that means.  Newt Gingrich often quotes D’Souza especially when repeating his birther lies.  On top of that, D’Souza was fired from a Christian college for making unwanted advances on a woman (not his wife).  And to add felony to lies, D’Souza was convicted of violating federal campaign finance laws by using straw donors to make illegal contributions to Wendy Long, famous in New York for losing to both Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer.  He got a light sentence of a $30,000 fine and 5 years probation.  He’s pretty much among the worst of the worst lie and conspiracy theory spinners, spewing toxic lies by turning history on its head with his down is up, left is right, and the sun rises in the west logic.

So, like criminal Joe Arpaio, he was the perfect candidate for a Trump pardon.  The goofy part of the story? Unfortunately, you have to stoop to reading the Daily Caller to get the goofiness.  The pardon request was made by none other than Trump enemy, Ted Cruz.  That’s right, the National Embarrassment of Texas successfully drove the campaign to get another famous liar off scott free.

Not only is the hole getting deeper, it’s getting weirder.


I was reminded by a friend of this tweet from 2013 captured by Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post.  This tweet is by the person just pardoned by Trump:

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