Here’s the Deal With Diehl

May 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Missouri House Speaker Republican John Diehl, one of those Republicans who believe in personality responsibility, got caught sexting with an intern at the capitol.

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Yeah well, he just didn’t mention that one of those opportunities for our kid and grandkids was to text the nasty with a powerful Republican speaker.

It only took him two weeks after being confronted with the evidence to admit he did it.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here’s the Deal With Diehl”

  1. Craig in Indep, MO says:

    The Missouri GOP/Tea Party that controls the lege is actively re-defining the meaning of “party of personal responsibility.”

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to internal communication. Yowza!

  3. Oh, the intern is female. I was so hoping….

  4. Diehl, (which my autocorrect mysteriously demands I correct to Diego – an insult to Diegos everywhere), is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. He has also been on Right Wing Watch’s radar for quite some time. It is Diehl’s world and the rest of us, we’ll we are just visitors.

    By the way, his “apology” was also all about him, all about keeping his position of power, and had little to do with the abuse of that power (the kid was an 18 year old freshman), and the fall out for his family.

    The Missouri Legislature has gone the way of the Tea Party, now if only it went the way of the Dodo Bird.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Another holier-then-thou GOP crappy Kristian … he certainly puts Missouri’s, the show me state slogan to ?good? use! If they’d get their ugly heads out of their butts and from underneath some girl’s skirt, they might actually get something done!! Oh dear … what am I thinking? I must have had a brain fart just then!!

  6. e platypus onion says:

    A John Diehl was the mysterious Indian Chief from “Saved By the Bell”. He is dearly departed so I’m guessing this is a different one. Party of family values gets bit again.

  7. One more thought on the myriad of issues facing the hypocritical Missouri legislature and its failure to listen to the people it supposedly represents:

    I’m posting the link because they did a better job than I could of explaining their shameful behavior.

  8. Annabelle Lee says:

    So much for the party of The Sanctity of Marriage Between One Man, One Woman and Whoever the Hell the One Man Decides to Include without the One Woman’s Knowledge.

  9. txscotty says:

    Is he related to David Vitter in Louisiana? I cannot believe in this day and age of instant communication that anyone is that stupid enough to believe that no one will know. Takes stupid to a whole new level.

  10. Rubymay says:

    Annabelle Lee — I believe you nailed it! “Family Values” indeed.

  11. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    GOP values are on a roll….Texas stripper says she met her [stalker] State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock), at a Lubbock Republican Women’s event …. eventually causing her to flee Texas & a restraining order against his tenacious self.

  12. Is that the same Diehl who is president of Nitwits United?

  13. Good news, the Democratic women in the Legislature started a petition to encourage him to resign, while he initially resisted his own caucus apparently convinced hi to go:

    “JEFFERSON CITY| John Diehl on Thursday said he will resign as speaker of the Missouri House this week in the wake of a story published by The Star barely 24 hours earlier about texts replete with sexual innuendo between him and a college freshman in a Capitol internship.

    The internship program was shut down abruptly earlier this spring.

    Diehl, who felt increasing heat from his fellow Republicans, stepped down from his House leadership position about 1:40 p.m. Thursday with a written statement. He also said he will resign from his seat, where he represents a suburban St. Louis district.”

  14. maryelle says:

    Kudos to the Democratic women in the the Missouri legislature and to anyone who applied pressure to oust this reprobate. Now if the Clean House program could continue booting the rest of the undesirables, maybe the Repugs would end up in the minority. Dream on.

  15. UmptyDump says:

    There have been intern abuses in the U.S. Congress as well. Intern programs are good in principle, but more and more of them end up in the wrong place. I hope that Texas keeps a close eye on its program.
