Here’s the Deal
I do not want to start a Hillary vs. Bernie fight here. (We have El Jefe for that!)
But I do want to say that Donna Brazile is one of the classiest dames I have ever met. She is double smart, funny, and has a voice that could lull you into volunteering for the hardest job in any campaign. I consider myself blessed to know she has a role in my party.
I think she has something important to say. It’s long, but worth your time. I will let you draw your own conclusions but I trust her honesty and perceptions.
I do need to offer this disclaimer. I was chair of the finance committee for the Texas Democratic Party at the time this “money sharing” idea was presented. I was given to understand that the money was going to both the DNC and Hillary that a (small) portion would be kept in Texas. I was also told that any other candidate would be given the same opportunity. We got totally screwed by it in Texas, totally screwed. I have never forgiven myself for being trusting when I’m usually the one being a horse’s patootie about stuff like this. If I ever see Debbie Wasserman Schultz I will tell her to kiss my big blue butt.
That’s all I have to say about that.
Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.