Here’s The Deal

May 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In just a little while, I will be getting on a big boat that will take me to a beach somewhere. I will not even be thinking about you.

I will be gone a week.  Generally, you guys are unaware when I travel because there’s wifi everywhere.  Except on big boats.  I won’t have email because I do not want to be pestered.  My travel mates and I made a deal – no damn email or phone calls.  I might – maybe – have wifi on a shore excursion.  Other than that, all we have is Facebook only because we want show off.  So, don’t send me email for a whole damn week.

So, DaChipster is taking over for this week.  Enjoy!

Meanwhile, consider this a Talk Amongst Yourselves thread.


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0 Comments to “Here’s The Deal”

  1. maggie says:

    Embrace the cruise, JJ. Have a totally great time!

  2. Enjoy the R&R!

  3. two crows says:

    Oh, and ignore that green blob sitting in the corner of the dining room crying. It’s just my envy.

  4. TrulyTexan says:

    Have a great break from the madness!

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Relax and enjoy a most deserved vacation! Your “job” this week is to focus on soaking in the sun rays, so do us proud. We’ll be in good hands with DaChipster, will be on our best behavior (mostly) and try not to annoy him too much.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’ve been talking amongst myself for a long time.

  7. charles r. phillips says:

    Mommy and Daddy don’t love us anymore!

  8. charles r. phillips says:

    On the other hand, since they won’t be here, we can finally have some fun! Let’s throw a raucous bash, complete with a penguin pool and togas!

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    charles r. phillips, this kind of penguin pool party?

  10. JJ, I wish you smooth sailing, hunky guys in small swimwear, and no norovirus outbreaks.

    PKM, thanks for the penguin encore. Saw it years ago but still funny.

  11. maryelle says:

    Well-deserved R&R, J.J. Don’t forget, oh you party revelers, Mama will still be keeping an ever-present eye on us, so party on with prudence. PKM, that means no kegs. Charles, the penguins stay outside and daChipster, the theme should be insightful, not inciteful. Now just try and have fun.

  12. That Other Jean says:

    Maryelle is a party pooper. We’ll get the place cleaned up by the time you get back, JJ. Don’t worry; just enjoy yourself.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle. Too late. The penguins already have 4 kegs chilling in their pool and obviously tapped. Bad drunks. One of them stole Charles’ toga. ……. oh no …. bad, bad, bad penguin … what are you doing to maryelle’s leg?

  14. Have a wonderful time.!

  15. lyntilla says:

    Have a good time!

  16. DaChipster,

    The rental place wants to know where to unload the margarita machines. Will 24 kegs be enough?

  17. John Peter Henson says:

    One of the Penguins just handed me a rock??……he is drunk…..

  18. Have a helluva good time.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    A real friend would have taken all of us along with her and paid our way. I have to think about this for awhile. 🙁

  20. slipstream says:

    Micr: the margarita bar needs to be open by 4:30. The mariachi band arrives at 5:00, and if I am not pre-medicated, well . . . you remember the last time.

  21. Have a great kruz, I mean cruise. I’ll miss you!

  22. Annabelle Lee says:

    Have a great time!

  23. Chloe Bear says:

    Wear sunblock, bug spray and party like it’s 1999.

  24. Chloe Bear says:

    Wear sunblock, bug spray and party like it’s 1999!

  25. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    That is the only type of Texas cruise I want to hear about. You can keep the other Cruz to your owndamnself, thankyouverymuch.

  26. Btw I started a goFundMe for bail money. Semper Paratus! And Semper Gumby.

  27. And food! I’m thinking barbecue goes well with beer and margaritas. I like all 3, so count me in on this quiet, [wink] tasteful, [wink, wink] subdued, [winking more] little gathering. [Madly winking, or just mad-the English kind.]

  28. I hope you have enough of whatever is needed to drown out the noise of the current USA……have fun!

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Slip-you bringing the party planner?

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Hope the Tundra Tart and family don’t show up uninvited.

  31. Marge Wood says:

    I’ll bring a stack of comic books.

  32. Enjoy!

  33. Okay, the margarita fountain’s working, but where are the dancing boys? I was told there’d be cake and strippers.

  34. maryelle says:

    God knows I tried, Mama. Now I’m off to the ER to see about that brushburn on my leg. Darn that penguin! They can’t hold their mescal.

  35. slipstream says:

    epo: the party planner! Now that’s a great idea! Hold on, I’ll see if she is drunk enough . . .

  36. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, the bunnies will be hopping out of the cake soon. As for the cabana boys? Look for Fran, Marge, Maryelle and Glen; you will find the cabana boys doing their best to stay ahead of that footrace scrum.

  37. Excellent links PKM. Gracias.

  38. Marcia in CO says:

    JJ … just have a fabulous time!! It would seem the party animals will have the place jumping and jiving in no time and you’ve not even left the Port of Call yet … or maybe you have!! Bon Voyage and all that rot!!

    Safe journey and return safely to all of us!!

  39. Bon Voyage & Mazeltov!

  40. AKLynne says:

    I arrived late, daChipster. What was that address again?

  41. maryelle says:

    I’m sorry, officer, but I was in the ER when I heard the sirens.
    The owner is off on a cruise and… oh my god, who let the Palins in? They were expressly left off the invite list. Yes, we’ll press charges. Please cuff Sarah before she attacks someone else.
    Penguins? I don’t know anything about those penguins.
    Yes, we’ll send the mariachi band packing and try to keep the noise down. Yes, I know it’s a school night. Thanks for your help.

  42. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, don’t look now, but $carah is still here. PD’s finest just drove off with a penguin in cuffs wearing her wig.

  43. hahahaha PKM

  44. maryelle says:

    D@m# penguins!

  45. Bon Voyage and Happy Trails JJ. We promise to have things cleaned up by the time you get back. Um… well… mostly. ;>

  46. Zyxomma says:

    Have a terrific vacation. We’ll be fine. I made guacamole.

  47. Wow this is going well.

    Have all the glass topped furniture been moved and fire place equipment been secured. I had a bad experience with an angry sober co-worker and a drunk co-worker who worshiped her from afar. Cost my soon-to-be little bride a glass coffee table and our intoxicated co-worker stitches on the forehead and scalp.

    Also if anyone has a reasonably clean 55 gallon plastic drum we can fill it with a few gallons of orange and pineapple juice and vodka and everclear and marinate orange slices, pineapple spears and whole grapefruit. For those in the crown unwilling to eat sugary baked goods this might be the healthier choice.

  48. Micr, if anybody else wants any of that tropical drink, they’ll have to pry me out of the 55-gallon drum. If it’s got fruit, it’s good for you, right?
