Here’s the Deal

March 30, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I have noticed all this hoopla over Trump’s manager supposedly shoving a female reporter and then Trump watching the videotape and saying that the woman was obviously dangerous.

Seriously.  He said that.

Donald Trump on Tuesday night offered America a new menace to be afraid of: a reporter with a pen.

Trump, speaking at a CNN town hall event, said former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields had been holding a pen when she approached him with a question earlier this month at an event in Florida.

“She had a pen in her hand, which Secret Service is not liking because they don’t know what it is, whether it’s a little bomb,” Trump said. “Michelle Fields, by the way, is not a baby.” (Fields is 28.)

Oh, that’s good to know.  Donald Trump is going to take out Isis if a reporter with a pen doesn’t frighten him enough to make him poop his pants first.

You might not agree with me about this, but I think women with pens should be allowed into the Republican National Convention no matter what the Secret Service says.

It’s like they say – the pen is mightier than the sword.  Donald is going to be shocked when he learns they don’t mean that literally.



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