Here’s the Deal / Updated

July 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

According to people who know these things, Republicans are really upset that Donald Trump is distracting from an edited and unfair videotape of a Planned Parenthood doctor.

In other words, Trump is hogging all the crazy.

I can see why that upsets them, because there’s a whole mess of crazy to pass around.

The same people who cheered him on when he was making wildbutt claims about President Obama’s birthplace are now mortified that he’s making wildbutt claims about them.  They built him, and now they’re mad he’s behaving like they taught him?

The same damn people who sat silent when triple amputee Max Cleland was being ravished for his war record by a man who never served, or Tammy Duckworth was told to shuddup by that scum of a man Joe Walsh, or when triple purple heart recipient John Kerry was made fun of for his war wounds, those people — those same silent people are outraged, outraged I tell you, that Trump took on McCain.  Those damn fools taught him how to do it and now whine when he does it.

And Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number?  Oh give me a break – it’s written on every men’s bathroom wall between Mobile and Atlanta.

Donald Trump is nothing more than a build it yourself Republican.

They have earned him fair and square.

Thank you, I feel better now.

I guess I wasn’t the only one feeling this way —

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