Here’s the Deal
I will be working the Ballot Board all day today. If we get any breaks, I will spend them here.
Please use this post to talk about anything you want to – especially reports from correspondents in foreign states!
As results come in from Texas, please remember that Battleground Texas and the Texas Democratic Party are not the same entity nor do they have the same purposes. I proudly work with the Texas Democratic Party. I’ll have more to say about that later.
I will be back to cuss and discuss election results tonight. Join me here with your high opinionated thoughts.
Thanks for all you do!
1Much good fortune to the state of Texas, and all others where the outcome is in question. Keep the Senate Democratic!
2Thank you! All of you keep me sane!
3We have voted and are now on our way to a job interview.
Please hold good thoughts, it’s a big step for a mid life journey change. 5 years down, five more to go and the transition to practicing MD out in the big world will be achieved!
Big journey–and my beloved is behind single payer/Medicare for all! That’s a journey of service!
I was watching Carl Rove’s Rmoney meltdown—I’m holding that as a repeatable experience…go blue!
I’m sick and tired of reading about Democrats sitting-out the mid-term elections and not voting. How about proving the pundits wrong and get off your behinds and get to your polling place. So many have given their lives to preserve the right to vote. Please don’t let their efforts be in vain.
4Thank you to Mrs. B. and all the others working hard for Texas!
Good news already coming in from Kentucky. The counties most needed for a Grimes victory are reporting a heavy voter turnout.
Begich in Alaska also seems to be gaining late momentum from the ground game.
See NH going to Shaheen; can’t see the NH independents voting Brown. Expect the earlier numbers reflect “they just weren’t saying.” Independents and Yankees can be like that, so an Independent Yankee?
NC is scary, with all the GOP efforts to stifle voter participation.
5Okay, so I’ve missed something along the way. What is the problem with Battleground Texas? Obviously there is one, because Miss Juanita is distancing her ownself from it.
Just wondering.
651% Of people who either aren’t registered to vote or are unlikely to vote in the 2014 midterm elections favor or lean toward the Democrats, while 30% favor or lean toward the Republicans — a 21-point gap, a new Pew Research study shows.
7Here in San Antonio (a blue city) I’m hoping and praying that it does not start raining early this evening, which will affect turn-out! It took over two months for my granddaughter to receive her registration card. She moved to San Antonio and changed her address when she changed it on her driver’s license. When she hadn’t received it, she called and was told she would have to “reapply” for a registration in Bexar County; it was then too late to do so. The registration showed up during early voting and she voted when I did. It’s no surprise to me she was given bad info by the state.
8Just voted and am praying the pundits are wrong about the Repub wave. This country can’t afford to go even further backwards.
9I voted! Oddly, almost every time I tried to use the touch screen to vote for a Democrat, the machine didn’t respond to my first or even second attempt. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for the Democratic candidate for Governor (just too many issues!) and, of course, never for John Kasich, who is already running for the VP spot on the 2016 GOP ticket. So I voted Green Party.
That touch worked just fine!
Curse you, Republican Ohio Secretary of State and Vote Suppressor Jon Husted!
10So in Edwards County, Texas, population nobody, I get a report of a sheriff’s car and deputies outside every polling location (all four of them). Wondering what violence or mayhem might be occurring, the voter protection team of the Democratic Party has a hot shot attorney call the Sheriff. She’s not in -she’s working a polling place. (What? a Republican woman sheriff?). And no deputies are in, either. Seems they are all on duty outside polling places.
Attorney asks the nice dispatcher person to pass on to the nice Republican sheriff and deputies, that intimidating voters by their presence outside polling places is illegal in the US of A. and the Dept. of Justice is our next call.
Oh, did I tell you that Edwards County has a sizeable Hispanic population that are Democrats?
Wonder if they decide to go protect the Dairy Queen as usual now?
11I voted early so I could watch the electric tee vee after 7p local time. I have noticed the past several days and one of the DFW papers internet editions already calling the governor’s race for Abbott. This is a disservice as it may depress people who have not yet voted and shy them away from the polls today.
12I voted this morning. # 10 in my precinct. They commented about my bringing my registration card; I told them that USED to be ALL I had to bring, and furthermore, that we’d be lucky if we could get the damn’ AMERICANS to vote, much less anybody else.
Voted for Democrats in races w a Dem, Greens in races w no Dem, and if it was just a Rethug I excused myself from marking the little blob. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Kacal under any circumstances I can imagine.
There were deputies at my polling place too but I’m pretty sure they were voting, not intimidating. You go Glen!
AND- Go ELISE Go ELISE GO ELISE GO!! Or GO BELOVED! That’s what the middle of life is for – take inventory and make changes! Let us know when you (or your beloved!)open the practice 🙂
13Good luck to all of us today. We voted last week.
I will avoid the TV machine all day until Rachel breaks the news to me. Then, if Abbott & Patrick win, I can start planning my move to Iran, where I’ll actually have more rights as a woman.
14Got to the polling place on my bike 15 minutes before it opened so I went home and showered, fed the dog, fed the cat, got ready for work and then went back. About 30 minutes after opening there were 58 ballots cast.
I was a bit put out by the Democrats’ “can’t win so don’t try” attitude in not bothering to name a candidate for the state house of senate. I know of at least 3 people who were write-in candidates in the primary but it looks like none of them got enough votes. And of course both the Libertopians and the Greens have given up even trying to get a candidate on the ballot. So I decided to wear my Vote Kinky 2006 hat today.
15My polling place was changed right after 2012 cuz the elementary school that once did the job was being rebuilt bit by bit due to all the sudden increase of students from the Base Relocation and Closing that hit our area. We suddenly had about 20,000 more people working at the fort down the street from my house. I went in to vote this AM and was surprised to see how many folks were doing their civic duty. I also include in that illustrious tribe those volunteers who were staffing the check in table (all over 80) and would you believe it, millenials (average age 22) who were doing everything else required. Yup. All those young people the Rethugs said didn’t exist this time around. This definitely gave me a good feeling!
16Personally, I think polling prior to election except by the political parties themselves should be illegal, and announcing poll results in the media should be illegal. I’m particularly angry with the Democrat organizations that send out emails of the ‘All hope is lost, might as well go home’ variety (and have told them so, not that it does any good.) Quit *discouraging* people from voting, I say (they don’t listen. They don’t care. They send me more whiny stupid emails.)
But if things go badly, I’ll blame every damned Democratic ad that told people it was all over, loss was inevitable, etc.
I think they must’ve hired GOP firms to do the emails.
17Elizabeth, it’s the “but if” part of the e-mails that are annoying to me. “But if you donate a mere $100 in the next 5 minutes, all is saved.” Those are still coming in today and one of the worst offenders has nearly a 10 point margin over his challenger. You may be onto something with the “GOP firms.” But not to worry, we don’t send out money, until we verify where it’s actually going.
18re: Bein’ afraid. I’m afraid of the Koch brothers. I’m afraid of running out of water although I know the super duper rich of Tayuksis have plans for swiping water from rural areas and selling it top price to big cities. I’m afraid that my ruddy dose and cough will come back. Popcorn, anyone?
19Who, me, opinionated? Hell, yes!!!!!!
20I voted. And I tended to try and vote the lesser of two evils (the greater self-identifying with an “R” behind the name). Anyone who was running unopposed did not get a vote. Sometimes just for grins I voted libertarian or greens, just to give the proper sort of response to the GOP.
And as a Republican, I didn’t vote for one single Republican candidate, all I saw were slimeballs and sleezeballs on the ballot for the most part all with that lovely “R” behind their name, dripping ooze onto the floor. I’m not stupid, I don’t watch Fox Noise, and I’m not voting my party unless there’s a real intelligent candidate who’s willing to work with the other parties to make this state and country better.
21My little formerly rural precinct had a line out the door when we got there a little after 5PM. It took us over 1/2 hour to get to the machines. When we left, the line was out into the parking lot and there was no place to park – people were circling the lot waiting for someone to leave. I’ve never seen anything remotely like that before, and we usually vote on election day. I sure hope it means the Democrats turned out.
22Awhile ago I saw that there were something like 580 students (loosely speaking) in line for an hour or more to vote. I hope everyone stays in line no matter what. The powers that be were asking for food, water and umbrellas for the young’uns so they didn’t get discouraged and leaVE. I hope some reporters got pictures of that.
23Ok My opinion. Because I have a problem with authority and being told what to do, I am independent. I vote democrat, because I agree with their core values. I have decided to become a registered democrat now because of my prior experience as room mom. PTO president, football booster club pres. and HOA pres., you all need people who know about fund raising and organization. By the way, stop whining about being oppressed. Stop using the victim card. Be the hero, but remember sometimes even the hero had to get help from the reluctant villagers to fight the bad guys.
24Battleground Texas phone bank lists were near useless. 99% wrong number and no answer.