Here’s the Deal

February 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Generally when I travel you don’t even know it because the internet is magic.  I usually have time to write a few posts in the evening or in the morning while Bubba reads his newspaper and eats the free buffet breakfast.

Well, I’m fixing to go on a trip where I won’t have much free time.  So, I’ve asked a few of our old timers around here to fill in for me.  You’ll be hearing from Don A., Da Chipster, Fenway Fran, Texas Ellen, Hal, and probably a few others who haven’t made a commitment yet but are pondering on it.

If things get boring, I might just throw a topic out there and let you guys entertain each other.  Meanwhile, hold off on sending me tips because I ain’t reading them.

I need to let crooks know a few things.  Marsha will be staying at our house once again.  Marsha is a retired parole officer and she clips coupons for ammo, which she really doesn’t need because she knows one hundred ways to kill you with a spatula.  I only issue this warning because having to clean your entrails off my patio deck is not something I want to do.

I’ll be back in a week.  Enjoy yourselves.

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0 Comments to “Here’s the Deal”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Bon Voyage! Please bring us back something. Cheney in handcuffs. Rove with a pencil through his head, or the brain of Louis Gohmert, if one can be found. And of you see Ted Cruz in your travels, ask him if how his paperwork is coming to renounce his Canadian citizenship. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Safe Travels, JJ.

  2. Laughing. And news of the Koch brothers in jail with a bunch of harem escapees would be fun, too. Graphics would be great but you’re pretty good with words. Enjoy!

  3. RUSH RUSH and I don’t mean Limbaugh. Take a look at this about who all is getting richer if the TPP passes. I mean, NOBODY “earns” nine million dollars.

    Please also see what has just been revealed about the bills execs and the banking industry:

    Now you can go back to reading the comics. Or you could buy or borrow a copy of the DVD INEQUALITY FOR ALL which we are showing in a house party on Feb. 27.

  4. “I’ll be back in a week. Enjoy yourselves.”

    You, too JJ. (and Bubba).

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, some good news from your article.

    “Last month, leaked memos obtained by the Huffington Post suggested that the US has lost almost all international support from the 11 other Pacific Rim nations engaged in TPP discussions.”

    Keep shining the light on the hegemony gohmerts.

  7. Enjoy yourselves!

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Thanks, PKM.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Did I mention earlier anywhere about the connection between the Koch brothers, Time Warner and Comcast? Feel free to look it up.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, my senior Congress varmint is Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid. He’s reading the e-mails sent to him, no fast track. Our junior varmint in the Senate is somewhat of a pleasant surprise, considering he is an ‘R.’ We’ve had several intelligent exchanges with him, and thus far, he has kept his word on a number of requests.

    We probably read many of the same articles, as the Koch brothers tentacles are no surprise to me (follow the money). Neither of my grandfathers are hurting for money, but Holy Gohmerts, they are kind, giving and progressive. They have no understanding of the greed & evil manifested by the Koch anomaly. Grandpa George asked if we thought that Charles and David might have been abused as children. Grandpa might have been onto something; that cycle of abuse dilemma. The brothers Koch are the penultimate example of abusive.

  11. Have a good time, JJ and Bubba! I’ll miss your posts while you’re gone. I’ll just stay chillin’ in the NYC snow.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    PKM, very interesting thoughts. I know the GOP didn’t used to be the way it is. Also, I’ve been reading one of the most thorough, fascinating histories of the Koch bros. Aug 10, 2010, NEW YORKER. I googled what do charles or david koch read? I’m just sort of horribly fascinated by anyone who is that driven with strings tied to all their immense gifts. They just flat said, okay, we give a lot of money to universities but if they don’t stick to our views, we take away our support. Oh, their daddy thought that Ike was a Communist. Serious. I guess that was about when the public schools stopped celebrating May Day and our teacher wouldn’t let us use red grading pencils.

  13. @JJ:
    I’m a bit angry today. Please bring me back a tea bag Rethuglican’s head on a stick. Any one’s will do. And a small bottle of the best local BBQ sauce.

  14. One thing which might interest the denizens of the cosmetorium is the current doings of Wallace Jefferson, who just retired from being Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court..
    He is no leading the defense of Scientology in a harassment case in New Braunfels, Texas, in the court of the patient and fair Dib Waldrip.
    Wallace Jefferson just submitted a Writ of Mandamus against Waldrip.
    Details at The Underground Bunker”

  15. @Marge Wood

    Here’s an article that shows what the GOP used to be:

  16. I’m highly suspicious that JJ’s absence might have something to do with being a new grandma. It could happen.

  17. JJ, you and Bubba have a terrific time. I see a safe journey. I see a safe return. A bientot.
