Here’s Something For You To Do

May 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I need to tend to some business for Momma this afternoon, but here’s some mess you can get into.

Customer Nancy let me know that an Annapolis Republican consulting firm was raided by the FBI this morning.  Now I’m not saying this is where they built the Trump Russian clone or anything like that but you never know.

Here is their website.  And to be honest, it does look way too generic (Strategic Campaign Group?) and developed too cheaply for them to be totally legitimate.

Here’s a list of the partners.  Kelley Rodgers, Chip O’Neil, and Dennis Whitfield.  Nose around the internets and see what you can find.

Thanks to Nancy for the heads up.

Update:  a trusted friend tells me that it’s Manafort’s former firm.

UPDATE 2:  Maybe.

UPDATE 3: When you keep hitting dead ins, always see the comments at Reddit – usually wrong but always entertaining.


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