Here Ya Go – Ken Paxton

September 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I flipped on the teevee today because I wanted to throw stuff at Jeff Sessions.

Every channel had Texas Attorney Ken Paxton on.  Paxton is one of the AG’s suing over the DACA.

One interviewer asked Paxton how he felt about DACA personally, but, of course, Paxton wouldn’t answer, even after the question was asked three times.

I offer even more proof about this whole thing being only about Obama.  Here is Ken Paxton’s wife on the Texas Republican chicken dinner circuit singing, “Pistol Packin’ Momma.”  The chorus to every line is, “I’m a pistol packing’ momma and my husband sues Obama.”

The yakking stops and the singing starts around 2:20.

Somebody on teevee should ask Paxton about this.

Paxton sued Obama at least 17 times.  So, yeah, that’s what he does for a living.

The people on teevee ought to know about this.  Ken Paxton used suing Obama as a fundraiser for his campaigns.  This isn’t about the constitution – this is about politics, pure and simple.

Yeah, I’m pissed off.


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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go – Ken Paxton”

  1. Karen Crosby says:

    Yes, it is all about politics and money and I am mad too!

  2. Why is Ken Paxton still AG when he should be in TDCJ or a Club Fed for his illegal and immoral stock manipulations? He could only go lower by practicing in real estate evictions, throwing widows and orphans out of their rental properties. I HATE THIS … whatever he is.

  3. Tilphousia says:

    Mirc, the correct term is “hoofwanking bunglecunt cockwomble. ( sorry Momma)

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    What a match. She uses a capo, while her hubby supports kapo policies.

  5. Paxton would have to climb 3 levels up to get to the gutter and improve his IQ 30 points just to get to stupid.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    It is a chicken dinner, so maybe it is a capon.

    Paxton should be in prison.

    Politifact took him to task for claiming Obama said over 20 times he couldn’t legally keep immigrants from being deported..

  7. And just how successful was old Ken-wennie with all them lawsuits against the President? Inquiring minds want to know!

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Maggie at a guess, Kenny was batting the same as former OK AG Scrotum Pruitt – 0. Odds are Kenny is fluffing Dolt45 for either a cabinet position or a pardon.

    Ironic, the snacilbupeR claim half their st00pid is to rile liberals. Sure seems the Bamz and Hilz haven’t lost their powers to rile the wingnuts into a froth santorum frenzy.

  9. Don’t comment here much but just wanted to say thank you JJ for being you.

    That, and the Paxton brood needs to go back to sucking the corporate teat instead of the public one.

  10. She’s not Tom Lehrer.

    if that wasn’t so tacky it would be pitiful.

  11. Upset. I am upset our Party could not come up with campaigns to defeat these cliché-driven minimalists.

    Her husband is popular because he disrespects the black former president? Texas is a one-Party, one-race state of course

    Republicans ran an entire national campaign on tiny talking points like “Benghazi” or “emails” or “lock her up,” none of which involved any inherent criminal conduct or critical thinking by the GOP, but the insightful words alone were enough to send right wingers to the polls in droves, or herds, or floods, a political theory propounded by Dr. Pavlov with the aid of a dinner bell.
    Yet the elite, urban progressive thinkers have not arrived at a theory to defeat small-mindedness at the polls, perhaps I guess because “keep it simple stupid” is the order of the day, especially for this President.

  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    For some reason, it reminded me of this song:
