Here Ya Go

October 19, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is often said that brevity is the soul of wit.  I tend to agree.

Nailed it.

Well, at least we know where they’ll get the jerks.


0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT but news is a Jan 6 coconspirator, Sidney Powell, has plead guilty. That’s a surprising turn. Hope she spills the beans on the TFFG big time! Maybe that will make him sweat in his shorts.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Oh, I hope they don’t televise that when it happens!

  3. Lol! And I think this modest quote came in a close second.

    MTG, ” “I completely disagree. I think that we should all be able to find a path in that room (for Speakership) right there. That requires putting the egos down. IT REQUIRES HUMILITY.”

    ‘Put the egos down’: Marjorie Taylor Greene rips GOP speaker’s race for lacking ‘humility’

  4. Grandma Barbara says:

    So happy to see you here again! I was worried!

  5. All we need now is for the lights to go down and the vaping to start.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Old Fart, if the lights go dim in the house and the vaping starts, wonder who will get the seat next to Groper Boobert?

  7. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Jim J will gladly take that seat-he is tired of turning a blind eye to sexual assault.

  8. Like a circle jerk, the likely end to this Speaker of the House debacle will be a resounding “EEEWW!” from the American Electorate.

    I can hardly believe that “Marionette” Miller-Meeks changed her vote from Gym. Even in our district which was gerrymandered to weaken iowa City and Cedar Rapids’ Democratic bloc, she only won her seat in 2020 by 6 votes in a record 17 million turnout. Rs in close districts are running scared over the idea the they can’t function as a governing party.

  9. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Thank you, Granny Barb. I am enjoying the cooler weather on the Gulf Coast and getting involved in a local political race. We’ve had a lot of people move into our area and most have not moved their voter registration so we’re looking at a cost efficient way to find out if they have a Democratic voting record and get those folks registered.

  10. The GOP is not a real political party. It’s a coalition of old money/anti union and white racists. They don’t really like each other but they hate us/fear more. Of course, Dems don’t like each other either. Lefties treat moderates from purple districts like redheaded stepchildren. We just don’t like what the GOP represents more.

  11. Circle jerk? Gym Jordan won’t notice after all he’s seen in the locker room. Besides, Republican representatives aren’t teenagers, and presumably this would be consensual.

    Nothin’ goin’ on here.

  12. thatotherjean says:

    @lex #3:

    Marjorie Taylor Greene wants the House GOP to ” . . put the egos down. IT REQUIRES HUMILITY.”

    MTG wouldn’t recognize humility if it jumped up and bit her on the nose. I doubt that she has ever practiced it in her life– certainly not in her Congressional career.

  13. Exactly thatotherjean @ 13!
    She’s your textbook oblivious MAGA nut.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    Jace @ 11

    For a hundred years, Americans have been laughing at Will Rogers’s quip: “I don’t belong to any organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”

    Now we have to revise that.

  15. a circle jerk? but without a happy ending
