Here Ya Go

July 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You knew it was coming once the polls started turning.



You know, I think the appropriate reaction to this is not to get angry or outraged.  This chubby little tin pot craphole country dictator does not have the authority to postpone the election and no one in congress – except maybe Jim Jordan and Louie Gohmert – would go along with him.

Make fun of him.  Laugh at him.  He’s out of his mind and people know it.

One other thing, Herman Cain died today.  He wasn’t a bad man, just a confused man.  He was a member of Trump’s party.  Two hours after the announcement of his death, Trump had tweeted nothing about Cain’s death but he did have time for this:



I’ll be watching the memorial service for John Lewis today.  I want to hear real presidents speak.


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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. Malarkey says:

    Real President. I barely remember what that was like.

  2. Sam in Superior says:

    According to WAPO, Nancy Pelosi would take over, “Trump and Vice President Pence would still be required to leave office by noon on Jan. 20. With no successor, the speaker of the House of Representatives, currently Pelosi, would be next in line.”

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Congressman John Lewis has the final word: “So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide.”

  4. What is the POTUS doing?
    Anybody know how much that nice guy donated to to POTUS reelection campaign???

    I used to live in that town.

  5. A memorable tweet from Herman Cain…

    “Cain tweeted a link to a Western Journal article about South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who bragged that social distancing will not be required at a July 4th Trump rally at Mt. Rushmore. In his tweet, Cain added: “Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!””

    Cain is dead after 30 days of hospitalization for Covid-19. The media is saying he died of the virus. I think he died of stupid.

  6. Old Fart says:

    It’s never easy to watch what has been so completely warned of actually occur. Boss Tweet isn’t going without being removed, and Herman Cain is showing why he has to be removed…

  7. What the orange trumpig means by this is …delay the vote so I can continue as Prez cuz we all know I will not win the election and this pandemic will continue for at least another year…ya me!!!

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Cain was responsible for getting food servers minimum wage lowered to about $2 per hour. I’m sure waiters and waitresses all over the US are waiting in line to dance on his grave! What an opposite of John Lewis! As for his majesty, my short term goal is to live to vote him out and then see him escorted out in January!

  9. megasoid says:

    ‘Delay the election until people can properly and safely vote ???’ Sounds almost like a plaintive whimper. I always feel like most of doggie’s ideas come from iterations of ’This is how Democracy dies’ headlines and that doggy is so grateful for the imagined gambits which would never fly in reality.

    Edit: Jan 20 2021: The football is taken away from the little boy. Those nuclear codes, which currently allow him to order and authenticate a nuclear attack, expire.

    That’s the first jenga block. Here are the rest.

    full article:

  10. Teh Gerg says:

    Do Trump and his followers think that when a mail in vote comes in it’s automatically counted with no effort to verify that it’s legit? They’re checked against voter rolls, and if there’s more than one vote to a name, it’s put on hold and investigated, in some places by a direct call to the voter. They’re not just counted in droves. Trump is too stupid to pour water out of his shoes if his feet are wet.

  11. Trump is a contract employee, and his contract is up on January 20th.

  12. Delay the election? I have no problem with President Pelosi.

    Poor Herman Cain – fantasies can kill.

  13. Sam in Superior,
    Good to know Trump & Pence have an expiration date. Although I thought I noticed something ‘off’ a long time ago.

  14. Schools absolutely positively must re-open! If you don’t reopen your schools right now you’re not going to get any money from the federal government! Also,it’s not safe to hold an election so we’re just gonna delay that.

  15. Trump wouldn’t acknowledge the deaths of anyone less than Barr and McConnell. There’s hope yet. (You didn’t hear me say that.)

  16. Fred Farklestone says:

    How are all the signatures on these stolen ballots going to match up with the signatures on the applications for a ballot? The thieves will have to steal 100’s of thousand ballots and then properly match each ballot’s signature with the signature in the data base!
    Plus, what happens when 100’s of thousands of folks across the country start complaining that they haven’t received their absentee ballots? Then they find out they’ve already voted!

  17. AliceBeth says:

    Simply put, there is nothing he can do about it.

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I watched President Barack Obama deliver the eulogy at the funeral of John Lewis today. Certainly a fitting eulogy for such a great man. I could not help while watching a real President talk from the heart, if our current president would ever even be capable of delivering a eulogy for anyone. The answer of course is no. President Obama made me long for the day we’d again have a President that only cares about the people he serves instead of the current president that only cares about himself, period.
    During the eulogy, President Obama spoke about the life long work of John Lewis to get the Voting Rights Law passed, only to have the SCOTUS weaken it and open it up for states to make voting more difficult.
    And now we have Trump trying to highjack the election altogether. On the day of John Lewis’ funeral (and the death of his loyal supporter Herman Cain), he is thinking only of himself.
    President Obama mentioned in his remarks that we are all born imperfect but most people work to be better. It is true, everyone has flaws, but almost everyone has good qualities. I challenge anyone to come up with one good quality that our current president has. It’s a sad to for sure.

  19. joel hanes says:

    According to the picture on their web site,
    Patio Pizza’s cheese is partly orange.

    Also, one can be sure that Trump has never eaten there.

  20. Come Voting Time remember that Donny may not like mail-in voting but he does like and support Absentee Voting. Everybody make sure they get an Absentee Ballot and not one of those mail-in voting things.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Remember “Citizen Kane,” and the two headlines they have ready for the next day: KANE ELECTED GOVERNOR or FRAUD AT POLLS! Like that.

  22. megasoid says:

    “Oh my God. This is terrible…”
    Sherman, set the payback machine to the year… -‘Its been redacted Mr. Peabody!’ — Quite all right Sherman, it takes just a little longer for grandmother Karma to arrive for a just ending of this administration. – ‘I don’t think I understand Mr. Peabody.’ — Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of… The dog days of summer?
    Initial Mueller investigation quote:
    “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f***ed.”

  23. twocrows says:

    So absentee-voting good, vote-by-mail bad, huh?

    1] When did his aides remind him that HE mails in his vote? That must have been awkward.

    2] And which one will be tasked with explaining that they’re both the same thing?

  24. twocrows says:

    AliceBeth @ 17:
    That won’t stop him from sowing discord and doing his best to see that there is blood in the streets on November 3rd. The Trumpsters are sure to be out in force, that day, looking for trouble — and not the good kind that John Lewis espoused.

    If you live in one of the 39 states that plans to allow mail-in voting this year, apply for your ballot now. No need to put yourself in the line of fire.

  25. twocrows says:

    Sam in Superior @2:

    I’m not sure WaPo got that right. If the election wasn’t held nationwide, Pelosi’s election wouldn’t be held so she would have to step down before January 20th, right? When does the House’ tenure end, anyway?

    So the president pro tem of the Senate would be next in line. I read somewhere that that is currently Grassley. So, is HE up for election this year? If so, who’s in line after him?

    It’s all moot, of course.
    If the Republicans held both houses of Congress, Mitch and whoever was speaker could agree to call off the election. But Nancy won’t stand for that nonsense and Mitch knows it.

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    That the ***king moron* taps dances on his* own Stormy described shortcomings while wearing golf shoes is SOP with Covidiot* 45. But again, enjoy the irony that his* latest insanity has conservatives concerned, and not on the Susan Collins meh variety of concern.

    “One of the most dramatic critiques of Trump’s tweet came from Steven G. Calabrese, a co-founder of the conservative Federalist Society, who wrote in an opinion piece published in The New York Times Thursday that the idea was “fascistic” and “grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment.”

    Trump has enjoyed full-throated support from conservatives and nearly all congressional Republicans; the Federalist Society, for instance, has cheered on and even helped select his Supreme Court nominations. That backing appeared to wobble on Thursday, with many Republicans not only alarmed by the president’s apparent disregard for the limits of his power, but emboldened to say so in public.

    “Election Day is and will be Nov 3, 2020,” said Republican Ari Fleischer, a former press secretary to George W. Bush. “Mr. President — please d’t even pretend to mess with this. It’s a harmful idea.”

    Takeaway for the day: Donnie* in disarray = Republicons flummoxed. For 3.5 years we’ve been conditioned to a news cycle of life sucks compounded by COVID-19 and a collapsing economy. Embrace this little bit of positivity in a sea of suck.

  27. john in denver says:

    There is no way to block an election nationwide.

    Dates may be changed slightly by states or by a Congress passing a law. But the House and Senate are called to order on January 3 — and those certified to have won are sworn in. If there is some question about the election of a Representative, he or she will not be seated until it is resolved. Everyone else — which in most years, are more than 430 voting Representatives and those from DC and the territories, get sworn in.

    The chance that Gov. Newsum and the massive majority of Democratic officials of California not having an election? Nil. So, Pelosi will be re-elected. She will be sworn in on January 3. And my guess is she will want to be Speaker until Trump is gone, even if she doesn’t want to remain in the position for another full term.

  28. treehugger says:

    I watched the funeral service and it was beyond inspiring. It was wonderful to hear 3 former presidents speak in complete sentences that were not hateful and vengeful. And they didn’t make the funeral all about them.

  29. The funeral service was super-excellent. It was exactly as I think John Lewis would have wanted. Imagine! Politicians speaking well thought out expressions of admiration for the deceased. Nancy Pelosi even teared up a little. I’ve been teared up a lot these past few years for our country. And a man campaigning from his basement is beating the incumbent in the polls in many cases by double digits in must have states.Now that is karma!

  30. Herman Cain has passed, but at least he is now in the arms of his Sweet Baby HeyZeus, so he’s doing FINE-FINE-FINE.

    (Yeah, I know it’s cruel, but Juanita Jean says she loves us mean sumbitches!)

  31. I thought that the post office was overwhelmed because so many employees were self isolating or in the hospital or worse. Well, maybe so, but here is something I just learned today. tht new Postmaster General Trump stuck in is doing his best to slow the whole works down at the behest of you guessed it. He is to keep the service at a snails pace particularly when it come sto mail in ballots!!
