Here Ya Go

August 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, my major summer commitments are over and more of time will be my own.

That means more time to be mean.

And who better to start with than Louie Gohmert.  On Monday, August 5th, Louie Gohmert is hosting Sean Hannity’s radio show.  Here’s where it is in your area.

Truman is ready for Louie!

I can promise you this.  You will need a tin foil hat to protect you from Congressvarmint Crazypoolza, a known medical condition in east Texas.

If you’re not lucky enough to have Louie Live! in your neck of the woods, you can listen online right here.  He’s going to be on from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.

Let us hope that they accept call ins and one of us can get through.

Need a question?  Honey, I’ve got ten pages of questions.


Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. Jan Kimmons says:

    What in the world does Hannity talk about for 3 hours five days a week? Do you think we can harness the hot air to generate electricity?
    I don’t think tin foil can protect against 15 hours.

  2. Umptydump says:

    Whether or not Louie speaks in tongues, for sure it’ll be hard to understand him.

  3. I think I will wait for the condensed version (here and at other sites where sanity reigns). I don’t think my poor ulcerated tummy could take a direct dose. One thing for certain, there will be plenty of wacko sound bites to keep us entertained (?) for weeks!

  4. Sure would be nice if he took call-ins, but we can only hope. Cuz y’all know between his red blowhardiness and our blue ears, the prose would be purple! You can bet he won’t take calls from the likes of us — the tin foil bounces reasonable sounds right off.

  5. I just don’t think it’s polite to stare at mentally disturbed people like that.

  6. What a cutie Truman is, and he is definitely smarter than Louie Gohmert!

  7. No kidding! You are a better woman than I am, my dear. I couldn’t survive Hannity and I know I’d never survive Gohmert. But I am totally looking forward to your commentary.

  8. Folks, if you really want to see something insanely comedic, go to Louie’s Congressional website. Everyone in Congress has one and they all follow the same format. He has certain statements on hot button issues listed there but it is his biography that makes me laugh,especially the mention of “innovative rulings” when he was a judge. According to the bio blurb, these rulings made history. I just bet they did!
    The bio also lists his membership in a local District Baptist church where he still teaches Sunday school when he is not in D.C. This put me in mind of Jimmy Carter, also another Baptist Sunday school teacher, who has dedicated his life since the White House to Habitat for Humanity and helping to monitor elections in countries trying to install democracy. Jimmy by comparison to just about anyone with celebrity is a quiet man and seems to accomplish way, way more than anyone else of similar back ground with a big mouth and a runaway brain.

  9. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s a set of directions to make your own Louie Gohmert tin-foil cap! Even has drawings for the trolls to follow!

  10. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s Gohmert’s congressional site!

  11. There’s just so much stress a person can stand.

    I don’t have enough tin foil to listen to Gohmert or Hannity for five minutes. I’d just as soon listen to somebody scrape their fingernails over a chalkboard.

  12. Fred: Is that site for real? I simply cannot imagine believing this stuff.
    Wow. I need to go lie down.

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Who’s gonna translate Louis-Speak for the listeners?

  14. As a resident on Louie’s district, I have to tell you it is a disgusting experience. We have to see this jerk on the local news, read his comments on every damn thing in the newspaper, and even cross paths occasionally at the vet’s office or the lumberyard. It’s like shell shock. I am always struck by waves of nausea and a surge of adrenalin as the desire to choke the man comes over me. If we could find good candidates to run against him, we might have a chance…but we know the GOP would send every crazy person they could find to come rally support for him. And I mean everybody. When he first ran for office in 2004, the parade of fools for Gohmert included former President George H.W. Bush et ux Barbara, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and others. If they could have made the phone call, I’m sure they would have asked Jesus to come to Tyler on a campaign stop, too. Ugh. East Texas sucks pond water.
