Here Come the Zealots!

November 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ll be tickled to know that all the shuttered Planned Parenthood facilities in Texas have new tenants.

BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION, Texas /Christian Newswire/ — The worldwide 40 Days for Life movement is moving its headquarters into a former Planned Parenthood abortion center in Bryan/College Station, Texas. The pro-life initiative began outside that same facility ten years ago.

“This news shows what God can accomplish when His people pray,” said Shawn Carney, campaign director of 40 Days for Life. “More than 6,400 children lost their lives in this building, but God is making ‘all things new.’

Now see, I have a question about the Rightwing God.  Why do people have to pray to get him to do what they want done?  Doesn’t Rightwing God know the right thing to do?  Is Rightwing God just waiting on a teevee preacher to say what needs doing?  If so, I think the Rightwing God is kinda a jerk.

Now these rightwing goodie-two-shoes are going to Bryan, Texas, to chew nails and spit rivets.  They are going to put on their war paint and force 14 year olds to carry incest results to term and then abandon them in the street because it’s such fun to point at them and call them lazy.

I think they’re kinda jerks, too.  So I suspect you could say that they made their God in their own image, to the other way around.



Thanks to John for the graphic.  And thanks to Frank for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here Come the Zealots!”

  1. And if you take all the war, murder, rape and slavery out of their holy book it’s just another zombie story…. not really something I’d expect of a “god”.

  2. They say….“More than 6,400 children lost their lives in this building, but God is making ‘all things new.’
    THIS IS AN OUT RIGHT LIE!!!! As NO ‘children’ have died there or in any other Planned Parenthood location!!!
    So much for the morality of their idiot BookO’BS and its fan club. Anyone who can lie like that has no morals. But then we do know the proper name for any religious cult ….”Liars4gawd”.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    It’s easy to forgive when you won. And I still like church as long as it’s my choice.

  4. Several times I’ve seen lawns signs that say, “Pray for an end to abortion.” I’d like someone to try to explain that to me, except that I’d probably end up bleeding from the ears. Why are you supposed to ask your god for what you say he wants anyway?

  5. I hope they have more to offer than prayer, if any of the children they believe they’ve saved need help with health care, food, or education. Because, I think they forgot about that with their initial prayers.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    There’s all sorts of churches. I’m big on “faith without works is dead”. You gotta walk the talk. As God told Moses when Moses told the Hebrews to just pray and God would take care of them, God said “Tell the people to quit praying and start moving.” That’s in Exodus long about chapter 14. Back when I did a lot of volunteer work to get renewables going, I often got really tired and discouraged, then I thought, shift to a lower gear and keep moving.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    And shame on them for closing Planned Parenthood.

  8. Let’s see if I get this: The prolifers want every possible as well as every actual conception to come to fruition regardless of future consequences.
    They want to keep non-whites along with poor whites breeding even more non-takers.
    They want to increase the highest prison pop in world.
    They want to maintain one of the worst, if not the worst, healthcare systems in the industrialized world along with one of the lower educational results for the takers and getting worse
    They do not want to pay for, accept responsibility or be inconvenienced for their position
    Why would these people want more problem-for-them people to come into the world?
    And why won’t they address why the need for abortion in the first place?
    If their god made the universe as science describes it, why didn’t he make it right from the beginning as opposed to having these prolifers, his creations, defend him against the takers who apparently are rumored to also be his creation, esp for not making a more timely correction to what appears to be his error, among others? By the way, anyone here want to jump into this with an answer/opinion?
    Seems part of the answer might center around some are benefitting very well, thank you, from the status quo.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Check history. The zealots were short lived.

  10. Well since there is no “LIKE” button available I have to say to van59 you are right sir. (Thanks to the late Ed Mc Man and Johnny Carson). You took the words right out of my mouth (computer?). I actually started considering most of the same situations you stated when my Mother (Bless her heart) was nagging at my young wife and I took get busy and have “at least” six children back in the 60’s. (We ended up with ONE) OH, yes that was a “Southern Bless Her Heart” Make of that what you will.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21)

    Wish the KKK variety of Kristians would take a pick between all of their Bible or US Law, Separation of Church and State.

  12. Most of what Planned Parenthood does is sell birth control.

    Close the clinic, less birth control.

    Less birth control, more pregnancies.

    More unwanted pregnancies, more abortions.


  13. The zealots aren’t really praying to a Rightwing God. They are praying to the idol of their own fears and hatreds.

  14. The devil had this idea that great evil could be done if he could foul the majority about important things. So he inspired a few guys to write this book and when it was done he convinced them that the buyBull was inspired by gawd. So far his plan is working perfectly and has branched out to islame as well.

  15. I checked their website and apparently all they do is pray. I didn’t see any evidence that they offered any help or even counseling to women considering abortion. They’re just gonna pray it away and pat themselves on the back for all the “babies” they’ve saved.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Fortunately for them tightwads they need only change the Planned part of the sign to Forced Parenthood. All better,now.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    I certainly wouldn’t be bragging about forcing children to live in poverty or be born into an unloving family. But,then it is never these so called disciples of god that take the blame for the damage they have done and will do.

  18. not stupid says:

    It is so sad that more people did not show up to vote. I know that the repugs did do everything for most people could not vote. I see more crazies vote in the repugs party. Between Canadian Ted Cruz, Funny hair Aquaduba rand Paul, Bully Chris Cristy, and drugged eyes Scot walker. Here are those great choice the repugs. lets not forget the 3 th bush family member that got his little bro who was to bump to flight a airplane or even to get of one and did not even know to release the straps who made that little ass on TV with his dick showing because he was so excited thought “MISSION ACCOMPLISH .
    I am so mad of what happen. but afraid of what those ass can do. Mc connell in -laws are in cocaine trafficking.
    What will happen?????

  19. Fred Farklestone says:

    Sounds like some 24/7 demonstrations are in order for the new tenants!

  20. Isn’t this building where they’re housing all the Ebola waste materials they shipped in from Dallas? Should we tell them?

  21. Labs all over the world seek to weaponize viruses and other biologicals. If the T’s lab figures out how to weaponize their major holding in st00pid, WASF.
