Herding Cats

August 21, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

In a previous life, I was a lot more active in politics than I am now, and really, everyone needs to do that at least once. My foray took me to places that I’d never been, and this included driving former Clinton advisor Paul Begala to the airport.

No, I’m not kidding.

It was during that drive that I first heard the phrase that has become a common and almost overused aphorism in politics: “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.”

When Begala said it, I knew it was true. And despite its age and overuse, nothing better describes the difference between Democratic and Republican National Conventions this year.

I sat through the Republican Hate Fest in July, but make no mistake, it was viewed through the MSNBC lens. I’m not a masochist after all. What I saw was a coronation and a reduction of MAGA Republicanism to simple, easy to understand terms that can best be summarized with this photo capture:

Yes, that is Hulk Hogan tearing his shirt off in a red-eyed fury for the convention goers. It was the highlight of an otherwise predictably lackluster 4 days where a 34-times convicted felon was nominated to be President of the United States by acclaim.

And they all fell in line.

Contrast that to the joyfest I am watching (on CSPAN this time) this week. The delegates appear to be having a great time. Not only do we have lots of Chicago-style hip hop, jazz, and rock and roll, but it also looks like delegates exhibit better-than-average dance moves (with the notable exception of Chuck Schumer).

And they appear to have fallen in love with their ticket, a testament to the ability of Democrats to change their passionate adoration with a shift in the winds. This, as opposed to when they tried to take the quadrennial group photograph, where they tried to get 4,700 delegates to stand stockstill as one to take a panoramic photo with a 104-year old camera. Democrats once again displayed their inherent inability to fall in line.

So if anything, we need to update the tired old saying to “Republicans fall in line, Democrats herd like cats, but adore their candidates”.

0 Comments to “Herding Cats”

  1. I have to half-disagree with you on this one. Dems got in line in very short order almost as soon as Biden withdrew from the race and threw his support to Harris. Yes, she got on the phone and stayed there for a couple of days rounding up support. And, yes, there were discussions about having a “mini open primary” at the Convention; however, that idea die a-bornin’ thanks to Ohio.

    You are correct, though, about falling in love. That seemed to have happened in a nanosecond and happened again with Gov. Walz. I’m happy with that.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Contrast the tone of the R convention with the last 2 1/2 days in Chicago at the D convention. The guy pictured above is pretty indicative of the R’s. See his latest rant below.

    And then the protests which were pretty much aimed at Democrats are misplaced considering who has been illegally lobbying Nutenyahoo to not accept a ceasefire.


  3. thatotherjean says:

    What BarbinDC said.

    Also, what Will Rogers said, so many years ago: “I belong to no
    organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”

    We take a bit to get organized, but we’re getting better at it. Vice President Kamala Harris held a master class, this year.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’ve been reading a number of reports about the Democratic Convention tonight. I understand that the speakers are mostly speaking to us. However, over the course of 3 days, there are a number of speakers that have escaped the quicksand of maga land and are expressing what we would think are rational thoughts of how following the drumpf cult is just crazy and dangerous to our democracy. I can only hope that there are many, many more that have come to their senses and are bailing on the maga cult. I actually think there are more than the polls have identified. It’s a silent but significant group. I am hopeful which is more than I have been in the last couple of years.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    One other thought. Joe Biden saved our ass from the disaster of TFFG’s 4 years. At least those that didn’t die from his covid response. I don’t know what Nancy Pelosi had to say tonight but I would hope she said something similar. He deserves our gratitude.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    Hulk Hogan came out wearing a t-shirt with the American flag. He ripped the flag in half to display a pro-Trump t-shirt.

    An admission that supporting Trump means destroying our country?

  7. I remember that event in MoCity that featured Paul Begala, and was envious of your chauffeur duties. Good times! I also had to laugh at the convention photo line. JJ and I got to experience the ‘hold still for the photo’ at the 2012 Charlotte convention. It’s also where I first heard Kamala Harris speak. She impressed me then, a rising star. I too have distanced myself a bit from active politics, but feel so much hope and positive energy this year, I even took 100 postcards to write to Georgia on my trip east. I never want to feel the despair of 2016 again in my life.

  8. Juanita Jean says:

    Well, I just want to mention that I was with Half Empty when he drove Paul Begala and with Fenway Fran in Charlotte. Like them, after taking a vacation from politics, I’m kinda back.

    I just saw some polls showing Colin Allred within two points of Ted Cruz so I’m going to Austin next week to pick up a couple hundred yardsigns with Colin on one side and Harris/Walz on the other. Anyone who wants to contribute a couple of bucks to buy some yardsigns in Texas, click the donate button and the eyes of Texas thanks you.
