Henry Damn Kissinger

November 30, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am 76 years old and I don’t care if he is dead, I still want to impeach Richard Nixon.

So, understand that’s where my little grey head is.

But, Henry Kissinger is a whole ‘nother story.  I hate Henry Kissinger with a rage reserved for Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Vlad the Impaler all combined and put in a five pound sack with two cobras and a really pissed off chihuahua.

This morning I was comforted to read that Jeff Tiedrich hates Kissinger almost as much as I do.  Except he does it so much better than I do. I will warn you that Jeff is what I call colorful and Momma called vulgar.

Dante said there were nine circles of hell.  As of this morning there are ten.


0 Comments to “Henry Damn Kissinger”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Very well said by Jeff Tiedrich, again. There’s two things I always do with my morning coffee, read JJ writings and Jeff Tiedrich.

  2. There are people who would drink their favorite drink and filter it thru their kidneys to piss on his grave.

  3. Exactly my sentiments too.
    Heard the news yesterday and was delighted, but disappointed that the fucking sonuvabitch eked out a goddamned 100 years on this earth.

    Somebody should have thrown HFK out of a helicopter 70 years ago.

  4. What Sandridge says.
    Goes for Trump too.

  5. I shared a meme on the Book of Faces this morning that I stole from a friend. It’s of the Grim Reaper at a magic claw machine with a prize in the claw. It’s captioned, “Oh boy finally! I got Kissinger!”

    I got a lot of laughs and, “He’s dead. Good!” But I also got a “too soon” and a reply from a friend who spent a lot of time overseas and is way smarter than I am in argument with a friend of his – one supporting (I think) and one doing counterpoint that caused the supporter to admit he hadn’t heard of Kissinger’s role in East Timor (neither had I). Someone also commented that the meme was in very bad taste.

    I honestly thought everyone hated this guy. I was aware of his role in the overthrow of Salvadore Allende and the installation of Augusto Pinochet. As @Sandridge #4 says, throwing him out of a helicopter would have been a more fitting end for Kissinger than dying of old age.

    I guess not everyone sees it that way.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Amen, sister!

  7. I am kind of amazed–but nevertheless gratified–by the outpouring of vitriol aimed at HFK (something I’m gonna adopt). I read Seymour Hersch’s book on HFK decades ago, but couldn’t finish it. I was just too mad.

    He was a Rethug though and through. It showed.

  8. I too was very happy to read Jeff Tiedrich’s bit on HFK this morning. Similar to Steve from Beaverton, my morning is Coffee, WaPo, JJ, Jeff T, and Status Kuo. And Heather Cox Richardson if she didn’t post before I went to bed lol! This morning I had so much to read, I almost missed my departure time to get to my Strong Women class.

  9. “Dante said there were nine circles of hell. As of this morning there are ten.”

    Not naming any names or pointing any fingers at the living, but that tenth circle expansion but not be the end of it.

  10. Lindsay Stafford says:

    That 10th circle of hell wasn’t mentioned by Dante because it had been previously allocated to HFC

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    I had no idea that HFK was all that and more … Holy shit! Thanks to JJ and Jeff T. for bringing me up to date on all of this!

  12. Ted, not Cruz says:

    I’m with you, JJ. I served in the military from 1969 to 1973. Kissinger, through Nixon, caused countless human deaths.

    I’ve read Dante’s Inferno, translated into English, and several scenarios come to mind.

  13. slipstream says:

    Ted: 1969 to 1973, I was working on staying out of the military. Succeeded, but it was close.

    What we did not know then — but have learned since — is that Nixon (before being elected) undermined the peace talks by privately negotiating with the government of South Vietnam to keep the war going. This was so he could run for President while claiming he had a “secret plan” to end the war. This was treason. It led to the US napalming more villages. Children burning to death so Nixon could become President.

    Heinous bastard.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    The curious thing about Kissinger’s status among the elites is that, even on his own terms, he failed.

    Communism fell of its own weight, not because of all the plots Kissinger participated in (you guys forgot East Pakistan).

    But although every bad thing you can say about him deserves to be said, he did not walk onto a bare stage.

    When he was just a devious academic with Nelson Rockefeller propping him up, the (mostly Democratic) elites engineered the genocide of the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia (250,000 dead, at a minimum).

    In 1950, we Americanos (Democrats at the wheel again) decided that the Ukrainians had not suffered enough in the civil war (1919-22), famine (1932-3) and world war (1941-44) and what they needed was another civil war/rebellion against the biggest army in the world.

    It worries me, all this righteous indignation, presumably cathartic. Well, most of us Americans have blood on our hands one place or another, and unloading on Kissinger’s fetid corpse. does not wash away our own responsibility.

  15. But wouldn’t so many of us(US) feel the same sense of vicious relief if it were Trump, Putin, Kim….or any number of Dicktraitors that are out there?

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Slipstream, and think of how many US and S Vietnamese died by prolonging the war and the families affected. Beyond treasonous. Nixon and Kissinger- what a dastardly, repulsive couple of bastards.

  17. Harry Eagar says:

    Cathy @ 16 Apparently not. Not to the same level.

    And I remember liberals (once they got religion about Iraq) condemning Bush II etc. for stupidity, crimes etc., with very few noting that Saddam was killed. A plus in my reckoning but little celebrated now.

  18. Jeanne Pitz says:

    I feel the same, but as I am now of an advanced age (78) I can’t remember all the snarls of his life with so many wars and quarrels. All I know is, I agree that he got to lead a long life and was actually celebrated (wrongly) as a clever statesman. He dies pleased with himself. So far, all the people I have hated with vigor have all slipped away easily. Where’s the revenge and retribution? When is it OUR time to see these horrible beasts vanquished and extinguished? Right now, there are so many in line to “get what they deserve.” I don’t think it really happens. George Bush gets/steals the presidency and paints with his toes. He is celebrated too… Fingers crossed for more ire directed at those affecting current events. They might be worse than Henry the K, as they know what all of them are doing and why and when, and they still don’t care.

  19. The Surly Professor says:

    Malarkey (and Jeanne Pitz): the Grim Reaper at the claw machine has a history going back many years now, invariably with him plucking up someone decent like Ruth Ginsberg or Betty White and saying to himself “Darn, is Kissinger even in this thing?”

    Since it’s all youngins posting those, it gives me hope that many of the under-30s know who Kissinger is, and saw him as the best available candidate to get plucked away. My candidate pool of youngsters is limited to college goers and a few still in public school, but I find it a Good Thing they are aware of his war crimes.
