Help! Somebody Get Government Out Of My Vagina!

March 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Last week in the Texas Lege, it was explained that doing a sonogram on a woman prior to having a legal abortion would require inserting a tube in her vagina.  Representative Carol Alvarado explained —

This is the trans-vaginal probe,” said State Rep. Carol Alvarado, holding up the probe used in such sonograms. “Colleagues, this is what we’re talking about. It’s as very intrusive process; this is not the jelly on the belly that many of you are thinking about. This is government intrusion at its best.”

“Okay, so we know Republicans are kinky, but this just beats all,” Juanita says. “Republican men will do anything they can to get into my vagina, even if it requires legislation.”

“My friend Virginia Mary had this to say — (Click the little one to get the big one.)

I’ve tried real hard to think of something funny to say about this, but I just can’t. This is legalized rape to humiliate women and put them in their place.

That’s ALL it is.

UPDATE:  Okay, this is funny.  Clara sent this, and I love it.

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