Help Me, Sweet Jesus, Help Me UPDATED

May 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it is taking everything I have to keep from climbing through my teevee and smacking smug Lindsey Graham right in the nose.

What the hell is he talking about?  Hillary?

This is going to be a hard day.


Thanks to Deb T we have a copy of Barr’s letter.

And: Jeffrey Toobin says, “Translated from legalese Mueller’s letter to Barr is a scathing accusation of politically-motivated lying by the attorney general. Mueller is saying the fix is in.”


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0 Comments to “Help Me, Sweet Jesus, Help Me UPDATED”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Watching it on MSNBC. Nicole Wallace got it right – the Repug side is there to shield tRump. How the heck Hillary’s emails is part of Lindsey’s opening remarks is beyond comprehension.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Cannot wait for Kamala.

  3. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    I know. Good grief. Back to the emails, ‘cos that’s what it’s all about. Beyond weird. And pathetic.

  4. Lunargent says:

    Okay, not watching. In order to preserve as many brain cells as possible, I’ll opt for the edited version on MSNBC tonight.

    But I am curious: what exactly WAS Barr’s involvement with Benghazi? And how many emails did he exchange with Hillary?
    If he says he didn’t, can he prove it?

    Our problem isn’t just that we have a reality show star as president, who thinks that play acting is the same as doing the damn job. We also have an entire political party that has devolved to the same stage. They have abandoned even the pretense of serving any interests other than their own.

    If we don’t win in 2020, the US, and possibly civilization as we know it, are doomed.

  5. Charles R Phillips says:

    Them repuglicans ase so busy deflecting, deflecting, deflecting, they won’t even hear that mile high tsunami wipe the whole damn re;pug-lickin’ party up and out.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    Don’t these fools realize that “Lordy, there are tapes”. What does Putin have on these people that makes them think it’s OK to betray their oaths of office and their country???

  7. Liberty Belle says:

    Beginning to suspect Barr has not read the Mueller report.
    Makes sense, because this hearing is really about Hillary Clinton.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Hilz? Again? The Republicons need to seek help for their addictive behavior. Deflection only takes them so far before it becomes their reflection. Donnie in their mirror is not a pretty sight.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    If I wanted to hear an old white man lie, I’d just go listen to my ex!

  10. Watching mild-mannered Blumenthal slap Barr around. For a soft-spoken man, he has some very sharp words. Making Barr look like a fool.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Deb T is rapidly gaining on Alfredo on my list of “folks who dredge the cess pool for things we all need to know”.

    Love Mueller’s restraint in phrasing: “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office’s work and conclusions”. Nary a one of us hanging out in the Salon could have avoided using phrases that would result in beeping sounds being superimposed on TV.

    In any case, forward our thanks to Deb T.

  12. maryelle says:

    Loved Massie Hirono sum it up in a nutshell!

  13. maryelle says:

    Hated watching Ted Cruz ooze his praise of Barr while insulting the Democrats for “attack” Barr.
