Help Me, Obama, You’re My Only Hope

April 18, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


You know how much Rick Perry hates, hates, hates the federal government?  You know how he’s always saying that he wouldn’t take a dime from them?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry sought additional federal help in battling wildfires across his drought-parched state as a woodland blaze gutted at least six homes on Sunday and threatened hundreds more in Austin, the state capital.

An estimated 1.5 million acres of tinder-like brush and grasslands have gone up in flames in Texas since January 1, about half of that during the past week alone under some of the driest conditions in Texas history.

Some 220 homes in all have been lost, according to a letter released on Sunday from Perry to President Barack Obama requesting a federal disaster declaration.

“Oh yeah, that right there is Rick Perry with his hand out, beggin’ money from the federal guvmint,” Juanita says.

“Thank God we didn’t secede when he wanted us to.  If we had, right now  Oklahoma and Louisiana would be slaughtering some hogs for a damn fine barbeque on the world’s largest pit,” she suspects.

When it comes to hypocrisy,, Rick Perry stand out like a possum in a poodle show.

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