Help Me Figure All This Out

June 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, best I can figure, here’s the chain of events in Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick’s mind.

  1. Patrick says the President is some kind of disgusting pervert over mind-you-own-business bathrooms.
  2. Patrick immediately asks for federal funding for Texas to fight the Zika, because for all its talk about seceding, Texas apparently doesn’t have any money.
  3. Patrick then decides that Obama probably won’t give Texas the Zika money because Obama would rather watch women and babies die than give up on mind-you-own-business bathrooms.
  4. So, because Obama is clearly not giving Texas the money it needs and wants women to die, Obama needs to be impeached.

Patrick has it all figured out, except for the part that Obama doesn’t have any money. The congress has to approve the funding. But, that’s “Washington’s fault,” meaning Obama.

President Obama asked Congress to come up with nearly $2 billion to battle the virus but efforts to finalize a funding bill for Zika prevention has reached a three-month standstill. Proposals from both the Senate and the House are far short of the Obama administration’s initial request for $1.9 billion to fight Zika

“The Senate comes up with a plan there, the House comes up with a plan—they are arguing over the money,” Patrick said.

Uh, somebody remind me which political party controls the house and the senate?  Libertarian?  Whig?  Oh yeah, Obama!

I swear on all that is holy, if his IQ drops 2 more points, we’ll have to water him twice a week.


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